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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus

    Iron Pony

    I just discovered a little road named "Cooper Road" that essentially connects my office to Westerville Road about 200 yards north of the Pony. It's getting expensive.
  2. I bet he doesn't do that shit again.
  3. C-bus

    I didn't die!!!

    With this crazy summer heat, it couldn't have been a better August day for you. Congratulations!
  4. No, I was thinking of someone who has already demonstrated the use if crude language (faggot) and is making the point that a new member can come on here and make an unsupported claim. I get the impression that the OP is a reasonable guy. Maybe not even a banned member...
  5. I'm thinking "same shit, different screen name".
  6. C-bus

    Is it just me?

    So they can text comfortably.
  7. Don't overthink it. Just get it to go where You want it to go.
  8. I would agree. Shop Dog, Delta Epsilon, Rider's Discount... none would have had a dollar from me if not for the trust I put in the reviews. And threads like this generally get to the truth whether it be in the OP or the reply. It's worth having the discussion.
  9. Looks like the OP was Woodbury'd in a way.
  10. That kind of stuff really angers me. Chase did that same thing.... I applied for a mortgage, was approved, was shown my payment, signed it, and then I had to pay that exact amount EVERY month! I digress.... to the OP, good luck with the sale. Looks like a good bike.
  11. Personally, totally against all but traditional absentee.
  12. The opiate to the masses. They're all screwed up and they all have zealots who will gladly kill you for disagreeing.
  13. Especially if she died 8 years ago and resides in an empty lot in Columbus with 73 other registered voters. But let's not ask for ID, 'cause that's racist. Not sure why it's racist, but damnit, it is.
  14. Question.... what ever happened to "election day" or absentee? Who started this dumb ass early voting thing? I know it helps the homeless, dead, and nonexistent vote multiple times, but come on!
  15. There are meter spots along Prospect at around 4th if I recall correctly.
  16. Just as ironic as the Swiss requirements to own and demonstrate proficiency with firearms. Keeps the peace.
  17. g in another event. Spectators Arrest A spectator had been arrested after verbally harassing the family of an Australian cyclist. The spectator, a 33 year old man, was one of three individuals removed from the event for making nasty comments directed at the athlete's family. The cyclist put forth what was considered a disappointing performance and it seems fans did not want to let the....... Perp currently being held under Great Britain's Sticks and Stones law.
  18. Not many people go around hating Sikhs. Generally, a pretty peaceful group.
  19. Ok. Admittedly, I don't deal in that new fangled fancy nancy electric money stuff.
  20. The seller asked you to send the payment as a gift?
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