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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I've read and heard good things about the 2022. It's built to compete with the other polymers ....Glock, M&P, XD. I've seen them new with laser at $389, so your price seems good. I'd do it. Is it "better" than a Sigma? IMO.... no.
  2. Brother is a Teamster. Cousin is/was Teamster driver for Hostess. It was the Bakers Union that just reduced dues revenue significantly.
  3. Way to stick it to the rich man, unions!
  4. Wouldn't that suck if one of Officer XXXXXX's friends was one of the x000 members on this very public forum?
  5. No one should hesitate to buy that 44 out from under me. I can't get it until next week and OP shouldn't have to wait on me.
  6. Lol... no, I sold that one in June. New rule..... I now only BUY guns. No more selling.
  7. First ten shots out of the box Gen 4 19. 100 internet yards (25 feet) [ATTACH]3250[/ATTACH] I've tried to hate them, but I just can't shoot another gun any better.
  8. C-bus

    walking dead

    She's either dead or un-dead. I don't think Carl stitched her up.
  9. +1 for good deals working with good people. I won't fill out federal forms anywhere else.
  10. C-bus

    G*d dammit

    Sorry about your friend.
  11. Someone needs to put the real story on the screen. Made those SEALs look like amateurs.
  12. I'll still watch. It's a great story of intelligence and military might.
  13. This was originally a decent movie .... but purchased by Harvey Weinstein (Micheal Moore collaborators) and re-cut for election day. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/24/arts/television/obama-is-prominent-in-seal-team-six-weinstein-film.html?pagewanted=all Just finished No Easy Day and would like nothing more than to see it on the big screen. I'll still watch this, but this really took the enthusiasm away from me.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XISEfGV6-70&feature=youtube_gdata_player Still brings a tear. My favorite movie of all time.
  15. Saw a sheriff's car in north FL. with spinners yesterday.
  16. C-bus

    New Toy

  17. Should have kept as a 2nd. Loved it!
  18. C-bus

    Dpms ar15

    Can Todd have it next month when you sell it?
  19. So I had a "late meeting" the other night. Of course the giant blister above my eyebrow gave me away. A couple times per year, I get one stuck in the glasses. Wife got a cleavage blister last time she shot.
  20. Yer gunz on the wrong side.
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