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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. There is video out there that could be a serious detriment to my career path.
  2. pretty sure talking about periods is prohibited on here.
  3. Some idiot congressman.... Paraphrasing... "Guy goes to his car and gets his gun to shoot me, we have nothing to charge him with...". Really? Sound bite from 610WTVN, but I can't get a copy.
  4. Actually, don't write this off yet. Certain PARTS of 495 talk to CHL, but I think that the loaded magazine speaks to "firearms" in general.
  5. Loaded Weapon: Change the definition of a loaded firearm in a vehicle. Currently, a firearm is considered loaded if a loaded magazine is present in the vehicle, even if the magazine is not inserted into the firearm. HB 495 would change this definition so that the magazine must be inserted into the firearm in order for it to be considered loaded.
  6. Harleys. You can list them on Craigslist for 50% more than you paid.
  7. Smart Ass. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101163
  8. While not the biggest thing to impact Carry rights, more steps in the right direction. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8681 UPDATE: Senate & House pass amended HB495; Bill sent to Governor Kasich for signature An amended HB495 was passed by the Ohio Senate today by a 26-7 vote. Two and a half hours later, the Ohio House voted 66-23 to concur with Senate amendments. The amended bill makes three changes to current law: Eliminates the "demonstrated competency" requirement for second and future CHL renewals, making CHL training similar to a hunting license. Fixes the definition of a "loaded gun" to match the commonly accepted definition. Allows law-abiding gun owners to have their firearms stored in their cars in the state-owned parking garages such as the one under the Statehouse. Unfortunately, despite having support from Ohio's chief law enforcement official, Attorney General Mike DeWine, concerns remained in the Senate over the reciprocity provisions and how it would work. In an attempt to address those concerns, the Senate Judiciary Committee amended the bill yesterday to allow 180 days before that provision took effect, rather than the standard 90 days. This would have given officials more time to prepare for the changes. In the end, however, in order to get an agreement for a floor vote, it was necessary to have the provision removed from the bill, with the commitment to come back and revisit it early next session. As a result of this development, those who need to carry in states with which Ohio doesn't have reciprocity will continue to need to go get other licenses. Video of the Senate debate that preceded this development, including comments by the sponsor of the reciprocity amendment, Senator Bill Seitz (R-Cincinnati) can be viewed here. Video of House concurrence debate can be viewed here. "HB495 was good, common sense legislation," said Jim Irvine, Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman. "As is common in politics, we didn't get everything we wanted, but we dramatically improved the law. We solved the critical issues of removing the ill-conceived 'demonstrated competency' for renewals that start next month, and achieved a workable definition of a "unloaded firearm.'" The bill will now be sent to Governor John Kasich for his signature.
  9. Some Ohio chl activity at the StateHouse today. Anyone have time to research and start a thread?
  10. Sounds like Baghdad out there tonight. Hopefully, fewer degenerates by morning.
  11. C-bus


    But the chicks will dig it.
  12. Throw some cheerios in the pack-n-play and lock the doors. He'll be fine.
  13. Now I have to take my bike to "Ravenna", wherever the hell that is....
  14. You have what it takes. You'll go far in life.
  15. Quite the opposite from me. I just don't see the reason for having one in the chamber. But again, I don't have any skin in the game. Scruit is anything but careless. I have five safes in the house. The storage safe houses guns and ammo separately. No gun is loaded (all treated as if loaded, of course). All the others are mini vaults (or similar). Each has a firearm with loaded mag inserted. Not chambered. Accidents are for more likely to happen with the initial handling of the gun as opposed to the purposeful action of pullingback the slide. My $.02.
  16. Why do you need one in the chamber of an AR? Charging the bolt isn't going to make that difference, especially in a basement safe gun. IMO, this is a safety issue (fire concern isn't the issue). To each, his own. Free country .... for now.
  17. Please direct me to the controversial ninjachick threads. I have a conference call at 1:00. Entertainment Will be required.
  18. http://www.grafs.com/retail/catalog/category/categoryId/599?
  19. Then a backfire is more plausible.
  20. I'll text my friend in the AM. I could swear it was like $360. As a reloading beginner, I like the Brian Enos packages... at least as a guideline. You've been at this a bit, so you won't need scales, tumblers, etc... Picked up a Russian Makarov made by Baikal and 1000 rounds on Monday. Shooting it tomorrow.
  21. I'll have to find that website, but someone has them for less than $400.
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