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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I meant nothing derogatory by any of those descriptors. The comment about gun-enthusiast=assassin indicates a certain naivety often demonstrated by those with few experiences outside of urban America and its public school system. It was simply my guess at his profile.
  2. OP... 18-25 years old, grew up within the outerbelt, mom is a Democrat. Tell me I'm wrong.
  3. I love hearing how employees were late because they forgot to change their clocks in November.
  4. Kids wake up at 5:00. Kids are too young to tell time. Kids will be up at 4:00. Damn kids.
  5. I read an article not so long ago advising .380 carriers to load up with jacketed round nose bullets instead of hollow points. The argument was that the hollow points didn't have the penetration necessary to be effective after cutting through clothing.
  6. Back in my day (oldguyvoice): when you had shit lying around, you sold it for cheap to get rid of it. Now these ass-hats are selling new goods at retail+. You used to be able to bid a few hundo on a car and have a chance at it. Now, we're setting reserves higher than blue book. Again, personally, eBay holds no appeal.
  7. Thanks for explaining. However, you pointed out my problem with eBay and CL. They used to be a way to get rid of stuff for some money. Now, people want to profit. Nothing wrong with it, but it has no appeal for me. People who've purchased items on here from me will attest to the fact that there's no way in hell that I've profited. But.... I got rid if something that I no longer wanted. Rant//.
  8. Redneck Zombie Fortress.... OP... nice pick-up. Those are pretty guns.
  9. Guy on the left...... he's the boss.
  10. I would defeat all four of them in a fight. Especially the the second from the right.
  11. I'm assuming that since this is a police facility, we should bring the guns in cased and unloaded?
  12. Sweet! The more range time, the more better!
  13. I don't eBay, so I'm serious .... other than being a troll, why would you drive a price up on something that you have no intention to buy? Doesn't that kind of screw with the market forces that make eBay what it is?
  14. When you pry it from my cold, dead, hand!
  15. [attach]2723[/attach] Although some consider it a BUG, this is generally what's under my shirt. Shoots true and has never failed. S&W 642
  16. Joke's on you. How much did you pay the pimp so that you could work today?
  17. Zombie apocalypse boot camp.
  18. Aww hell...... we're practicing?
  19. My G19 makes me a much better shooter. Love it!
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