A while back I looked at B&M schools with distance MBA programs. There were quite a few, and many of them were reputable schools that no one would question. You may want to investigate if there's similar programs for an undergrad degree. (private for profit) Online schools are great for people with jobs and families, that's the big unmet need they satisfy. But a lot of them run with a business model of enrolling people who have little to no chance at success, and charging them private school tuition rates that they fund with Federal grants and student loans. I'm not implying this is UOP, but the for-profit online universities are still very new and haven't received a final verdict yet, and a few bad apples could spoil the bunch. If you're career is already kickstarted and you need to check the "B.S." checkbox - well, then, do what you need to do to check the box. All of this is IMHO, of course.