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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block... and replace the piston rings you fried.
  2. Why don't you try Fat Burger from now on? You can get yourself a cheese and fries for 2.95, faggot!
  3. If you like winning by default.... sure, get yo money big hommi.
  4. "Investigators said the device was a hoax and did not contain any explosives." "They said it was possible that someone may have set the device up so they could detonate it from a remote location." so it was fake...
  5. "Can they get any tighter!?" What kind of homo question was that? A hot reported walks into a locker room and gets hit on... If THAT didn't happen I would want an investigation.
  6. My money is on this never happening...
  7. To the OP I think you have some issues. Women are great for a lot of things, allow me to enlighten you... 1.They help you forget about your problems... By making new ones. You make a mistake, a good woman is right there by you side to bitch at you and tell you how wrong you were and what you should have done. They bitch so much that you forget about the original problem. 2.The help you feel good about yourself... You go out with friends, she's there to blow up your phone all night long accusing you of cheating. Nothing boosts a guys ego more then a super insecure chick. 3.Weight loss.... A good woman is there to make every aspect of your life so fucking stressful that you lose your desire to eat, sleep, or even live. 4. They help you become a "thinker"... Because they sure as hell don't tell what's wrong when you ask. So you're forced to think about the most random shit that could be bothering them I'm not really that bitter. Women are great they can make you feel attractive and desired. They laugh at your jokes and even like your friend and family...For the first 2 months of a relationship anyway.
  8. What makes it worse is that it was reviewed and still called wrong. I like how ever year depending on who's calling the game there is a new definition of what a completed pass is. I'm no Lions fan, but I can feel your pain.
  9. http://i35.tinypic.com/219bfkg.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/mkwtb9.jpg http://i36.tinypic.com/35d3p87.jpg
  10. Say there's no place like home again MotherFucker! http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/50/jackzonvx3.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ks6jytySyk1qa61wxo1_500.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/2jaz38w.jpg
  11. http://files.sharenator.com/iphone3_even_more_Funny_pics-s509x541-38961-580.png http://files.sharenator.com/party_hard_Funny_LOL_pictures-s555x412-43791-580.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/1wergwyufe4_More_Funny_Pictures-s380x4096-38917-580.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/silly_panda_even_more_funny_pictures-s353x450-39733-580.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/wash_hands_even_more_funny_pictures-s406x312-39742-580.jpg
  12. http://files.sharenator.com/Funny_Shit_7_Some_Demotionals_And_Other_Pics-s528x485-44835-580.jpg
  13. http://i.imgur.com/U9luX.jpg http://www.akademifantasia.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/funny-money-face-2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/Lairdhenn/wtf.jpg http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/8/bummmp.gif
  14. This is the aftermath of Lebron leaving Ohio
  15. Why is he so angry? It's sad that he miss quoted his own most favorite quote in the history of spoken word. There is so much Fail, it's fucking WIN!!!!
  16. Oh, and the above rant was not intended to slam the OP. That's just my take on the situation, glad you're okay.
  17. WTF is wrong with people. I didn't realize this was a problem with riders. Sounds like it happens some what regularly. Why would anyone try and fuck with someone else for... A. No reason at all. B. While driving C. In a manner that could kill or seriously injury someone? In my mind that's the ultimate form of just human disrespect. How you don't go ape shit on someone after that is beyond me!? The fact that another person has so little care/ respect for another persons life and safety would send me into a rage. FUCK THEM, in that situation it's ME vs THEM. Screw all that "high ground" crap, we're not talking about someone cutting the line at a store or getting rude with you on the phone. We're talking about a person who is so full of themselves and ignorant that they're willing to put YOUR LIFE in danger for no reason at all and all you can say is, "oh they'll get theirs someday?" Umm know, you tried to cause me harm, I'm going to give them theirs, on my terms.
  18. ^ lol dude wasn't even close to pulling off a back flip. he forgot to jump
  19. Truth! I got a late start today and yesterday and it took me 45 minutes to get to work (I live in Grove City and work off of Morse & Sinclair). But Tuesday and Wednesday I got an early start and it only took me about 20 minutes. fuckin' stupid ass people. They slam on their breaks for NO REASON! I'm thinking there is a car broke down, but nope, just all the ra-tards driving.
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