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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Truth. You have so much more room. Every day I would sleep in the handicrapper on the toilet...pants down for realism to passers-through...for a combined 2 hours. My legs always fell asleep...but shit was glorious.

    I prefer the handicap stalls myslef. Not only is there more room, but they have their own sing too. You could camp in one of those all day!

  2. The project car that I started with was a 97 Sunfire SE... The car front end got swaped over to a Cavalier, and then added a TRD front and sides to it making it a TRD fronted Cavalier and then the rear was a Sunfire. Does that make since to you guys. Since the Sunfire and the Cavalier share the same unibody the only bolt that is different to put a Cavalier or a Sunfire front on either.

    So your car is part sunfire and part cavi...? :confused:

  3. I fucking hate you. I actually started laughing in my cube after reading this as I know exactly how you feel. One of the main reasons I try and stick with black or gray pants at work.





    Or you could learn how to pee like a big boy! I keeed I keeed.


    I've had the sink problem, but when I get the drip problem it just looks like my knee wet.

  4. Disagree. People have been saying a lot of things regarding his injury. Stupid stuff like "oh look, it was the first time in years Brady had been taken off the injury report" and superstitious claims like that. I've played sports before (yea, stupid fatty caxide played sports!) and I totally get the superstition thing, I had my own ritual when I played goalie. Still, you can't honestly say that Brady got hurt for any other reason than Pollard coming flying down on his knee. Not a dirty hit, not a malicious hit, in no way related to anything other than the shitty circumstances of the hit, the play, and the knee.

    No I don't think it was a dirty hit at all. And it really sucks for the Pats (they're still a good team). I'm just saying instead of staying in late in the 4th qtr a few games last year running up the score and padding your stats. Maybe they could have put Cassel in and got him some game practice. I just think if the games in the bag why risk an unnecessary injury to your starting QB and why not give the back up some playing time. I don’t know if that’s superstition or just a bad judgment call. They got lucky that nothing happened last year, but think about the learning curve that wouldn’t be as big this year for Matt Cassel if he had a few games under his belt.

  5. They do it in the NCAA. Just because there's no Heisman in pro football means they shouldn't do the same? Its up to other coaches to do what they want, but IMO 60 minutes is 60 minutes and both teams better be ready to play 100% of them.

    I'll agree with that, 60 minutes is 60 minutes. Both teams should come to play, and I don't think it's the winning coaches job to not emberass the other team. But it is a bit misleading when you go off of stats that he racked up against lesser teams while the game was already won in the first half. And this year with Brady being hurt I bet they wish they could have gone back and gave their back up a few reps durring some of those blow outs.

  6. Its hard to have a come from behind victory when you're winning in the 4th quarter.


    You want to start comparing Delhomme to Brady? ok lets go.

    Delhomme's been in the league since 99, Brady since 00. In that time, Delhomme has posted 2 seasons above a 100 QB rating, but he played 4 games the first time, and 3 games the 2nd, whereas Brady's last year was his only where he averaged above 100, but he played all 16 games. He's only had 3 complete seasons (I don't count 06, Weinke played 3 games). Brady has 6 complete seasons, and one with 15 games.


    Delhomme career passer rating: 85.1 (good, not good enough for an 03 Super Bowl)

    Brady passer rating: 92.9



    Delhomme: 107/69

    Brady: 197/86



    Delhomme: 16122

    Brady: 26,446


    I don't care if Brady's had more games to do it in, avoiding injury is a skill too.


    It doesn't hurt the old stats when you coach keeps you in the games while you run up the scores either...

  7. Could of kept going to. But a solid 723WHP on pump gas was good enough. When you see this car/ hear it it doesn't sound like that sound should come from a G8. He picked up over 100HP at points with the new cam!


    Great Job Brian, didn't waist anytime posting the numbers I see ;)

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