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Posts posted by Main3s


    First, before you can start on me, I am probably the second biggest Steeler fan on this board. I was born in Pittsburgh, and bleed black and gold. So go fuck yourself on calling me a bandwagon fan.






    And what part of Pittsburgh did you live?

  2. Don't take this the wrong way. But most people I remember by their car or what they do for work. i.e, Dyno Brian, Z28 Jay, Supra Paul...YOU on the other hand. When I first saw your post you were the detailing guy, NOW your the guy with the wife...Hahaha. Congratz for having a cool and attractive wife! Oh, and what kind of car do you have!? ;)
  3. Survival training. If you don't have clean water, only nasty brackish water, you can give yourself enemas with it and stay alive without drinking. There are a number of documented cases of it. The footnote came with a disclaimer about toxins and absorption of chemicals.

    Why do you think suppositories work better than pills?

    Hummm....Good to know....I guess? And I'm really glad to hear an educational responce, and not...Well this one time, me and a friend were drunk and..... ;)

  4. If it's real predictable behavior try and get some it on tape or record it. Phones are great at that these days. Then when you have solid evidence take it to the station, it that doesn't work get an attorney. He said, She said doesn't go very far when the he is a cop. PROOF, then complain. But good luck, sounds like a real shitty situation.
  5. One thing you could try is, not getting drunk all the time. It works like a charm for me.

    I thought about that, but then what would do on Friday and Saturday nights!? ;)


    Seriously though you're probably right, this thread just makes me seem like a drunk.

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