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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. (Oct 11th, 2008) Myth 2 WATER

    In reading everyone's suggestions most of them all said to drink water with some variation of when to drink it or what to take with the water. So I decided to just drink as much water as I could before going to bed. Filling a 2 liter with water before I hit the bar. I had my first drink around 7:30pm and ended the night around 12:00pm with about 9 or so beers and this time I switched it up with 3 Irish Car bombs and a few shots of Bush mills. Most of the heavy drinking accrued after 10:00pm. Even though I was concerned of the affects this next step might have on my... "testing" we stopped at Taco Bell on the way home. I made sure NOT to drink the Mountain Dew that came with the tacos so that it wouldn't throw off my findings. Anyway, I got home and tried to drink as much of the 2 liter as I could. I went to town on the 1st bit downing the water like it was just another shot, I almost drank the entire 2 liters....BUT.....Here comes the fun part. After I drank all the water my stomach felt like it was going to explode. Because of all the alcohol in there already and the new water there just wasn't enough room... soooo, yeah, I threw up most of the water and some alcohol. :( Then I decided to just eat my tacos, brush my teeth and go to bed. The results.... Well I feel kind of shitty today. I got about as much sleep as I did last weekend but this morning I woke up with a bad headache and my stomach feels like crap. So to me this myth is busted. I think that in order for water alone to counter the affects, you would need to drink a lot of water...a lot more then your stomach can handle. :barf: Not to say that it won't work to take the edge off, but I think you'll need to take some pain pills or something else to help the water work.

    If you have any suggestions as to how to improve my "studies" let me know, but please understand that I'm drunk as fuck when I'm trying to do this shit. LOL

  2. In an attempt to help my fellow CR members who suffer from bad hang overs. I'm on a mission to find out what hang over remedies work and which ones are busted. So I'm taking all of the advice in this thread and I'm going to try them all...Or as many as I can. So lets begin.

    (Oct 4th, 2008) Myth 1 PEDIALYTE

    Someone suggest Pedialyte as a remidy for a bad hangove. According to this suggestion (or myth) the pedialyte is suppose to re-hydrate you and has added electrolytes (sp) to fight the affects of the booz. Well I'm calling this Myth Plosiable. Last night I had several beers and a few jager bombs. When I arived home at around 1:45 am I was feeling pretty good. So I tried to drink the Pedialyte that I bought earlier in the day. I managed to drink the entire 1 qt bottle. I then tried to have sexy time with the GF and eventually gave up and baked a pizza. Falling asleep around 3:30 am. When I woke up this morning (around 10:30 am) I felt okay. A little dizy and the bright light took a minute to get use to, but all and all I felt a LOT better then I probably would have felt without it. The reason I'm not confirming this is that because of the horrible taste of the Pedialyte I had to chase it with several tall glasses of water, so I'm not 100% convinced it was all the Pedialyte. Add that to the fact that it's about $6.00 a bottle and taste like shit and I'd say that this shouldn't be your first choice in hangover prevention. But if you have a bottle lying around it can't hurt.


    Next time on Myth Busters Hangover, I think I'm going to try and dring about a 2 leiter of water before bed and see how that goes. Tune in next weekend.

  3. I hope so. He seems like he really wants it. He's been handeling his injury the right way and practicing when he can. I'd like to see him put up some good numbers this year.
  4. For a boxer that dude was throwing wild ass punches. Didnt look like a boxer to me more like a guy who could throw his hands against guys that couldnt.

    He wasn't exactly in the ring when he was throwing those and I don't thing anyone was watching his form there's a bit of a difference between someone in a ring fighting and someone on the street.

    One thing is for sure he knocked people out like he was a boxer.

  5. My thinking is, that if you're that damn concerned that your kid is fucking up and you can't even trust them/ their judgment to let them borrow the car at that age. Why are you letting them behind the wheel in the first place? Now parents won’t stress the important facts about driving safely, they’ll put the responsibility on a god damn key.
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