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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Yeah, the 7 days to pay a ticket is crap and if you go to court it's in the middle of a week day so you have to take time off of work to go get a payment extension which is time and money from you going there for something that you’re going to have to pay on regardless. I just think the way the system is set up isn’t to really help people or try and improve safety. But because we broke the law by speeding, we’re just as bad as any other “criminal” with no rights. But wait, you have rights you can fight it right…SURE if you want to pay the crap load of money for an attorney and waist your original time at court, then have to go back again later and waist more time maybe win, then pay court fees and the lawyer and your still worse off then you would have been if you had just paid the ticket, so it’s a designed flaw to make profit, not to help like it should be. We get taxed on income and everything we buy, why do we have to keep paying for a service that doesn’t keep us in mind


    And yes 33 in freaking 25 AT 4:30am. The reason.. “people jog around here and you could hit someone” mid you this was on Avery Rd in Dublin which is 2 lanes each way at 4:30 in the morning…. Come on, tell that was a real safety issue.

  2. Oh and I'm sorry but I really think the police dept is worthless...I take that back, not completely worthless but very very close. I'm not some rebel that's been arrested multiple times or gets tickets every month but when was the last time you called the cops and got help!? Seriously, I've called them before for domestic violence on my neighbor but they come about 45 minutes AFTRER the shit was over with. Someone stole from you, oh, too bad they'll look into it but good luck with that. I've never felt safer with police around, But sure as shit if you’re going 33 in a 25 at 4:30 am and they catch you, your ass in paying the price. I personally don’t fell that they do much “serving and protecting”. I think they’re just a business looking to make a buck on the people.
  3. That shit pisses me off too. They want to charge you out the ass, then they don't even make it easy to pay so that they can charge you late fees. You better get it fixed soon though, I waited to fix the same shit on my last ticket and they suspended my DL. $120 ticket + $30.00 late free, + $60.00 Court cost + $25.00 license renewal= $235.00 worth of Bullshit!!!! And don't give me that "well you should speed". No kidding, but there’s no reason they need to make you jump through hoops to get the shit fixed either. Oh' not to mention, they don't help you get it fixed in any efficient manner, they just assume everyone is a god damn expert on paying speeding tickets and know the best way to avoid all the fees and shit.... :mad:



  4. WOW Congratz!!! I hate scammers. A lot of the time it's hard to get anything done on the legal end, glad to see someone finally stuck it to the mother fucker. Do you get to see him in court. I'd make it a point to let him know you were the one that busted his ass.
  5. QSL= 1

    BW#'s = 2

    Roosters = 3

    Winking Lizard= 1,000,000,000 :barf:


    Not really what this thread was about, but yeah that sucks about BW3's. I've either had great service there and shitty food, or shitty service and great food, but never both.

  6. "The number 14 stands for the "14 Words statement." It was authored by white supremacist David Lane (now in prison for 190 years). He was the leader of The Order, a Northwest-based terrorist organization that was responsible for numerous bank robberies and the killing of talk show host Alan Berg in 1984 (the 1999 film Brotherhood of Murder is based on the story of this organization). Lane (in absentia) and his wife later founded hate-press-distributing 14 Words Press.


    "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."


    This has been a rallying cry and an identification mark for white supremacists far and wide. Available wherever such views are subscribed to.




    The number 88 is an abbreviation for Heil Hitler. 'H' is the eighth letter of the alphabet; repeated twice, it yields HH. There is also some similarity in shape between '88' and 'HH', exploited to good effect by skinhead artists. David Lane has written the 88 Precepts, a rather significant document for white supremacists. The symbol was supposedly spread in the Sixties by James Rosenberg, a Jewish (!) Neo-Nazi.


    Recently, Target was forced to pull a line of clothing called '88' because of Anti-Defamation League protests. All of the items of this line were prominently adorned with the number. The clothes were designed by Target's design branch, Utility; it is not known whether there is any white supremacist connection. "


    google ftw

    Wow get to many klan meetings !? :lol:




    J/K google is great isn't it.

  7. I spent $200 on my headers :).I'm not retarded enough to buy 700 headers for a few tenths.


    low 13's/high 12's in my Lumina? Without the rebuild of the trans I probably did it for around a grand. Maybe $1500. Every part I bought was used. I rarely buy a new part for a car. But I dropped nearly 3 seconds off my time. I sold my car back in February for 3k. And it was a 98 with 126k miles on it.


    My point. Spending 2k to go fast is one thing. Spending 2k to LOOK good is another.


    and I think everyone in this thread except two people are agreeing with what I'm saying.


    If it wasn't for him crying about being a senior member, half this thread wouldn't have exisited. I'm just in here to stir up shit. That I can really don't give a shit if he got his $2000+ rims jacked off his car.


    No doubt that you can buy cheaper parts for the car to make it go faster. He could have spent less on the wheels. And I too spend my $$ on go fast parts so I can't see spending 2K on wheels, no matter what the car. I guess I just really don't see the point in making fun of someone who's asking for help. Sure he was asking about being a "senior member" but it didn't sound like wining to me, just a question that got blown out of proportion in true CR fashion, someone looks like a noob let’s all beat up on them. And the part about not giving a fuck about his wheels is screwed up considering he didn’t ask ‘Hey who likes my wheels? Are worth 2K?” all he asked was to keep an eye out for them. If you can great, if not why respond? I’m not trying to argue with anyone. I’m sure everyone has a great reason to not like this guy after a few post. I just don’t see the point in insulting someone while they’re asking for help. We all hate thieves and I’m sure most of us know what it feels like to have something taken from us. It fucking sucks, so keep that in mind…


    Anyway, I’m done with this I see where you’re coming from I just think it’s fucked up. rant/

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