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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Maybe the recent problem with "bad CR members" is the screening process. You have to make an intro in the kitchen. While in the kitchen people are subjected to almost nothing but BS. So it stands to reason that all new people who make it through the kitchen have this thought in their head that CR is full of dumb fucks who just flame each other. In CRAWDAD's defense maybe he wouldn't be such a dick if people stopped putting others on the defensive. Hi welcome to CR....Fucktard hahahah!? Give me fucking break, is that really what this site is about?

    And to all the OG CR members who have been around since the dawn of street racing maybe lead by example.? Instead of bitching about how "CR sucks, there's no one good on here anymore" "Racing is dead" yadda yadda. How about YOU stop flaming every newb or getting into pointless pissing matches with people. If you're that smart then you know bitching back and forth on the internet is pointless..... So why do it? Ignore the ass holes and they'll eventually leave. The only reason they come back is for more attention. And if you see a newb that has potential say HI to encourage them to come back. It's not really that hard. I may still be a newbie and not cool enough to say this shit and be taken seriously but come on. Maybe the problem isn't just with all the new people "after 03/04". Maybe some of the problem with is with the people before 03/04. And threads like this REALLY help CR... Riiiiight....:rolleyes: Prime example.

    • Confused 1
  2. I just don't understand how guys can be gay... WTF!!!

    LOL X 1000!










  3. I have a 2006 G35 Turbonetics Kit. Dyno at 387whp. I ran 13.6 at National trails but i had factory tires on so i could definetly do better. My engine is still running good. I would go for it. I heard IPS pretty good i have couple Suburu friends that went there. I havent heard them complain. However, I had mine done at Slowmotion and getting ready to go back in for rebuild this winter. They treat me great and take care of your car so let me know if you would like to check them out.


    Also next weekend we have a G35 meet at old mans cave if you want to join us. G35driver.com is the place to be if you want to hang out with other G's. Were in the north east regional forums. Ohio representin.. its a very long thread heh.


    Whoa, Whoa, Whoa....You dynoed 387 WHP and only went 13.6! :confused: Jesus christ, howm much does that thing weigh? What were your 60ft's like, 4.50's? Sorry, don't mean to seem like a dick. But I dynoed around 310 whp and went 12.7's in a FWD. So that seems kind of odd to me.



    But nice car! I'd love to have one, maybe as a DD.

  4. For all this "for those who don't like" Camaro or Mustang crap I thought I'd post something everyone can enjoy! Or I mean not enjoy? :thumbup:











    • Upvote 1
  5. Phil, I didn't think you knew wtf you were saying but Kenny thinks it's funny to ask another man if his daughter does anal. Instead of apologizing, he keeps it up. I'm reading all his previous posts right now. I'll figure out what I need to know.

    The plot, it thickens :popcorn:

  6. Srsly people, I respect being a fan of the game and being loyal to a team. but unless anyone played in the game saturday.... Shut the fuck up! All this BS about who's better what coulda shoulda happened. All the BS about OSU people being poor fans. If you're a fan of a team of cource you're going to try and defend them when they loose or celebrate when they win. USC won this game, now they play who ever next week and the Bucks play another team... So what!?....No come the fuck on....


  7. you find that mildly attractive? hell im 18 and thats fucking gross....your like 9 years older than me and like that....God i hope whenever i have kids you move your ass to a diff state

    :lol::lol: :funny: :funny:


    X2, that's not attractive.

  8. I watch some guy on TV say that while he agreed with a lot of what Obama says that he just can't pull the lever for a black guy. What's even worse is that there are a lot of women voters that are only voting for Palin because she is a woman. I'm not saying that you're racist if you don't vote Obama or that you're some feminist because you vote republican but there are some people that won't because he is black and there are people that will vote because she is a woman.

    I think that everyone needs to vote on the real issues rather then focusing on Black/White or Man/ Woman.

  9. Keep it NA.


    I have seen more turbo cars run 14's than you could imagine. Yet, they go easy 13.s with a spacer, intake, and exhaust. :I



    Hummm, I did not know that! I haven't been around too many modded G35's to really know.

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