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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. thats what im saying...i remember racing ONE gtp. started downtown area then ended up on the freeway for a quick one.


    it was close but i still pulled him up top. and this was also when all the gto had done was a muffler delete and right before replacing the BAD clutch

    that gtp was deffinatly quick though...


    Yeah that was me, we flew down 71S to Frank Rd.. I was ahead of you at the exit so you pulled around me and asked how to get back to high st. Then I could smell your clutch. lol It was a good race, and I think I was the one that pulled on you. But since no one was there to see it, I guess we'll agree to disagree ;) just giving you a hard time.


    We aslo talked a few times up at QSL, I had the sliver GTP and raced Mr. 04srturbo. That was a good one too, but he got me at around 120 and pulled on me up to 130-140. Fun times. Glad your car is getting fixed.

  2. Youre saying try to get custody of the kids, but not to spend a lot of money doing it... yea, real sincere. Your the fucking idiot. You and everyone like you should have thier nuts removed and be forced stare at them while writing out "I should never be allowed to procreate" 500,000 times while someone scratches a fucking chalk board. Stop making this world suck.


    I'll have to disagree on this one too. As a child that went through a divorce (as I'm sure most of us did) my Dad spent a shit load of money trying to get full custody of me because he was pissed and didn't like the way my Mother treated me. I on the other had liked staying with my mom, not because I didn't like/ love my dad, but that's the place I knew best. And at a young age going through a tuff time all I wanted to do was live at the house that made me feel the most comfrotable. Instead my Dad pushed and pushed, he'd call the cops and have them escort me out of my mom's house, he drag me to court. It was bad, real bad... I understand now that he only did it because he wanted what was best, but at the time I hated him for. I think what most people forget durring a divorce is what kind of impact will this have on the kids. Don't just think about yourself and how much you hate your ex. It's screwed up either way, but IMO it's best to try and get split custody and make it as good on the kids as possible. After all, they weren't the ones that fucked up to begin with. And fighting and spending $$$ on lawers to win a prize (you kids) isn't the way to go. Their kids not belongings.

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