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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Im on the CR punching bag crew. True story.


    Shut the fuck up :asshole: !























































    Hey you weren't kidding, you really are the punching bag of CR.

  2. Thanks but....

    I think that one would be a little self......you know.



    Don't take this the wrong way, but posting a question about what vanity plate you should get for your lambo doesn’t exactly support that fact that you don’t want to show off. I wish I had that problem, it must suck for you. But that’s just my jealousy talking, nice car and good luck with the pate idea ;)

  3. Yeah, that's crap. Do they really need to pull you over for a front plate alone? I mean, if you were speeding and got pulled over I could see them tacking on and extra fine for the front plate, but for that alone is BS.
  4. Sounds like an awesome forum. :rolleyes:

    Exactly, you have to know you audience, on that particular forum a comment like that obviously doesn’t go over too good. On the other hand who would defend those cars?

    And srsly, who like Hawaiian Punch that much!?

  5. I think what most people are trying to say is learn from this! I understand that there is probably more to the story then you can say, so people are left to fill in the blanks with their imagination, but just think about crap like this. There are lots of crazy people in the world and in your case, you're lucky enough that he wasn’t crazy enough to shoot you.


    Weather you were there to back him up, threaten, intimidate, confront, or just sit back and watch, why are you (or I guess your friend) approaching a guy in a parking lot at night after work? Especially if you suspect that it’s not on such good terms? Instead you tell your friend, “Hey call him up and meet him Saturday afternoon, I’ll go with you!” Sure the ending of that story isn’t as cool, but….


    The other thing to learn is look at from the gunman’s view. Maybe he hit you friend for no reason (like you said) because he thought he was big shit and it was just him and your friend. Now he sees you and another guy jump out of 2 separate cars from the shadows (because according to you, he couldn’t even see you). He may not have known how many people you had and now he’s out numbered so he grabs a gun. What if he just started shooting in any direction? What if he hit someone else in the parking lot? What if he did pull the trigger?


    I don’t know you, but I’m glad you’re okay. There are so many bad things in the world that can happen to anyone of us that we can’t control, there’s no reason to put yourself into bad situations if you can control it. It was a brave thing to due, but equally as stupid.

  6. Wow, that's some old school stuff right there!

    Can't be that old, I remember that resturant and the movie theater in the mall too, I think I watched Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure there :lol: I'm sure this wasn't supose to be a flash back thread but I remember when Columbus didn't have any Steak N Shakes The olny StarBucks coffee you could get was in bottles and we didn't have a Wal-Mart on every side of town!

  7. Great list!!!! You want to leave Ohio, but not Columbus!!

    United Skates of America on Refugee FTW (Laces was cool too)

    Northland Mall was Great, so was Eastland and Westland was always the crappy one.


    I'm gonna throw this out there Does anyone remember the Laser Lights show down by the river front durring summer? It was the same everytime, but we always went.


    You can be on any side of town in 20 minutes (30 depending on traffic)

    670 windows down FTW

    71 S & 104 Windows down FTL


    Jesus I love Columbus


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