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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Uhh, maybe you didn't see Nash in the previous two All Star games? He stood out. Zherdev is really good as well, I just think the team couldn't pull it all together this year. Hopefully they'll work better together this year and Leclaire can pull off good season.

    Exactly, at an allstar game in the skills compotition and against no defence in the game he was great by himself. But I'd rather have a guy who can play like that in every game and help the team improve. Maybe it's him, maybe it's the rest of the team, or maybe it's coaching but Nash isn't (at least IMO) even in the top 25 players in Hockey right now. He's good, but not great yet. I'm not even sure if I would consider him to be a franchise player. But that's just my opinion and I don't really follow the west too much.

  2. Yeah Umberger is a solid player and should be a good add to the team. We need more players like him besides just the allstars like Nash and Zherdev. Then hopefully next year we can make it to the play offs finally.

    No offence, but Nash and Zerdev are not exactly "allstars". They are both good individual players, I'd hate to be in goal with either one of them coming my way. But you hardly hear anything about them, maybe it's because they play for the jackets? But then again if they were such allstarts then the jackets would'nt be so bad.

    I am looking forward to this next season to see how everything turns out for them, maybe they can at least be in the race for a playoff spot!

  3. Fuck you all!

    Batman + Bullet= Fail

    Superman + Kriptionite (sp) = Fail

    Spiderman + Peter Parker = GAY

    X-men are mutants so don't go bringin that bullshit into this.


    We all know Walker Texas Ranger is the best mother fuckin super hero!!!

  4. That little vic dude is a joke.. sorry.


    Mos Def is notably one of the best hip hop artists out there... hands down.


    Don't forget other real artists like:

    MF Doom


    Talib Kweli


    Zion I

    Leigon of Doom

    Aesop Rock



    etc etc


    Jay-z can choke on it dude, hardly a rapper by any means.

    Kanye needs to stick to producing music, he can't rap for shit either

    I will tip my hat off to Eminem, seems to do well.

    Lupe is respectable, he's doing big things.

    The Game is a joke too.. he should stick to making club bangers.


    As far as Lil Wayne.. at first I thought he was a joke but listening to what he has to say and the way he puts everything is pretty clever, I admire his talent.



    Agreed! I would like to throw 1 other big name in there NAS. He has always been around and doesn't seems to sell out much. I have lost a little liking for Eminem though, his last 2 albums were the same thing with different versions of the songs. Mos Def is definatly one of the best, Talib Kweli and don't forget the Roots.

  5. I would say that out of all the "rappers" out right now his is one of the best. He's got very different style that stands out. Not everything sounds the same like alot of the cRAP out there right now. I use to be a big hip hop fan, but now you really have to dig to find a good artist. So many are selling out and rapping about the same bullshit. Who cares about how much drugs you sold, money you got, hoes, cars, ets....STFU. No one is really trying to do anything different, which is why I kind of like seeing rappers do/ sound different. Believe it or not before rap was main stream it ment something...
  6. Umberger is good player. He had a good run in the playoffs. I heard the BJ's were looking at Ryan Malone from the Pens. Looks like they finally want to win some game. LOL
  7. Well I'm glad you didn't get a ticket or get shot. Sounds like you did the right thing for all the right reasons. This inspires me to do something good......Well maybe, I'd have to know the person, fuck that whole helping a stranger thing ;)


    edit I tried giving you "karma" rep, but I must spread it around 1st.

  8. " "I was riding. My friend Adam yelled 'watch out!' And then, bam!" Richie recalled. "The front side of her van hit my bike, and I flew up. My head hit her mirror."


    When he regained consciousness, he was told that the van had kept on going. "



    Plus, he was on a BICYCLE...

    Yeah yeah, I read that part too...I guess it was just a streatch of a joke to say the kid looks like Harry Potter, I fail :(

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