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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Keep your credit cards with an open balance less then half. That shows that you make payments and can keep (good) credit. If lack of credit is the issue, then try and get a CC at Target, Kohls, Discount Tire..etc. They may only give you a $500. limit but that can establish good credit if paied on time and their fairly easy to get. Talk to your bank and see if they'll give you a loan.

    Finally remember it may just be the economie...:(

  2. Yeah, a guy who is so up to date on his laws doesn't realize the "Separation of church and State". Just because his religion/ believes say that homosexuality is a “sin” does not make it a LAW. A law by the way that says it is legal for gays to marry. What a fucking idiot. Regardless of how you feel about gays and marriage it is not for religion to decide law. Remember the Separation of church and sate is there for a reason. People fled to America so that they could practice their own religion. If there wasn’t a separation, then it could be against the law to be Muslim, or Christian or Catholics. What if there was a law based on religion that said you couldn’t have premarital sex? After all that’s a “sin” too. How about a law that said you couldn’t eat pork? What about a law that said women can’t show their faces? Yeah, let’s start that law! I want to live in a country like that!!!! One that says by law I have to attend a church every Sunday. That is a truly FREE country! Why not have all of those bible thumpers make up the rules, then when they can’t agree they can go to war with each other and fight it out for hundreds of years. That sounds like a great place to live. If a guy want’s to be FREE enough to fuck another guy GREAT! Because in that country I’m FREE enough to look away or watch the hot Lesbos instead.
  3. Why is this such a big deal? Regardless of where it's made it's still the same fucking flag...

    I’m kind of on the fence about this too. I see where they are coming from; it is an oxymoron to have an American flag made in china. But the sad part is that I doubt that even some of the flag makers here in the US would know any better (without proper training that is). I don’t really feel that if I have an American flag made in china that I’m less patriotic then a flag made here in the US. As long as the person flying our flag understands what it means. The one good thing though is that it could bring more work back here to the US.

  4. WTF!!! It all boils down to people respecting each other. If you are proud of your son, daughter, sister, brother etc. , then you should be able to cheer. But be respectful of the other people that are graduating and STFU after their name has been called. You can throw a party AFTER everyone has had their chance to walk across the stage. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that the school had cops there ready to remove people, or the fact that the people couldn’t be polite and respectful enough that they HAD to be removed. Because you know this wasn’t the first year of stupidity at a graduation. Which just strengthens the argument that apparently the kid walking across the stage IS the only one in the family with enough sence…rant/
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