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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Thanks I think I'll chek out the indoor one off Cemetery.

    I've been to Grand Slam USA, a friend of mine lives near there and that's where we've gone in the past. I just don't want to drive that far.


    We should get a CR softball team together!!! I play all summer, it's a great way to stay active and a better reason to drink! LOL

  2. I got a buffer too and decided to get out all the swirl marks.





    Now just some general Pics. I woke up at 7:30 am on Sunday and took these pictures around 4:30. It was about a 9 hour job, but worth it!






  3. Well over this holiday weekend I set asid all of Sunday to wash my car. Here are a few before and after picture!















  4. You would think that with all the added muscle a good proton of it would stay with you once you stopped taking the roids. Hell he was eating enough protein and working out enough. That’s some scary shit. And you know that there are people out there that despite all or some of those side affects are still taking it.
  5. Seat belt + Cruise Control = No Tickets.


    Now why in gods name would you be doing 115 on a holiday weekend anyway? Traffic may have been moving, but not THAT fast. And then to speed up after you passed him as if to try and run? Yeah…I’d say you got lucky. :nono:

  6. Ouch! Well I know it may be out of the question to cancel now, but after reading this, it may not be a bad idea. Even if you were able to come up with the $20K for them or they got it themselves, there seems to be more then just money problems. So even though they would have this very nice wedding, it sounds like there are some other issues that need to be addressed that money CAN’T fix. I don’t know the details of the situation and I don’t know the people involved so I’m not trying to pass judgment but maybe letting things cool down and re-organize might be better in the long run. This is a very important event in both their lives, no reason it can’t or shouldn’t be just right. Either way I hope everything works out for them. I sympathize with your situation my best friend was going through a ruff time and it didn’t seem like I could help him out much either. The only thing I could do was just stand by him and give him all the support and help with what I could, that’s a tuff feeling.
  7. So would calling a girl a fat prostituting cunt lead to suicide?....Cunt….that word just sounds nasty.


    I found that the TRUTH is the worst thing you can tell a girl. I had a girl go to Cedar Point with me one year in High School. She was cool but the only reason I asked her to go was because the girl I really wanted to take (her friend) was out of town that weekend. So the next day she’s calling me off the hook and that Monday she swears I’m her new boyfriend. WTF!?... I had enough so in front of her friends I told her the TRUTH…I only went with her because her friend couldn’t go!, Then I told her to stop calling me. LOL, I kind of felt bad but then realized how funny it was.

  8. I got smoked, I thought San Jose or Dallas was going to do something in the west and Philly in the east. Oh well, guess ill root for Detroit...


    Detroit has to beat Dallas 1st ;) Actually I don't think Dallas can win 4 straight especially with game 7 in Detroit.

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