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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. The dude attempting to put out the flames and who eventually opened the door was either really smart or lucky to be wearing that helmet. The flames bursted up when he was right over the engine, I'd imagine if he didn't have that helmet on his face would be a little red.
  2. So I'm guessing you didn't have it on... ...
  3. I have to admit, that's pretty bad ass. Congratz on garbing your life by the balls and doing what you want, enjoy!
  4. Main3s

    Z faggot

    Let em know when and where tomorrow, I'm game.
  5. Main3s

    Z faggot

    I'm almost ashamed to be apart of this thread. It represents everything that is wrong with the world today.
  6. Your punctuation talents scare me...
  7. Where and when tomorrow? txt me 778-9026.
  8. I'm proud of you, what can I say.
  9. All American and in the record books at OSU SON!!!! :bangbang:
  10. I guess I'm just not up on my gayness like some people.
  11. And that thing he do with your balls.
  12. Not the mouth so much as it is his soft supple lips...
  13. You said that was between us... how am I suppose to trust you again.
  14. You were in the Z-fag thread right... Must be a slow ass work day for people.
  15. fuck you! I'm pretty sure I'm the first person to use You're in place of your.
  16. I'm selling my couch, love seat and end table. It was used in my finished basement. Both the couch and love seat are in good shape, NO stains, NO burns, NO wholes, NO busted springs etc. I'm asking $150, would sell as low as $100 to CR members. Have any other questions, just ask. link to craigslist ad with pics... http://columbus.craigslist.org/fuo/1892531793.html Thanks! :thumbup:
  17. I like you're attitude... Welcome :thumbup: Ignore the haters.
  18. Main3s


    How did you make the list!?
  19. Those pictures are relevant to my interests :thumbup:
  20. That forum is outta my league. This one is bad ass!!! http://www.teamspeed.com/forums/garage-forum/31051-my-garage-addition-stable.html I should sign up and post pics of my GTP in my driveway
  21. DO WANT!!!! http://www.teamspeed.com/forums/attachments/garage-forum/52161d1280947892-newbie-here-my-audi-collections-dsc0156h.jpg http://www.teamspeed.com/forums/attachments/garage-forum/52205d1281027440-newbie-here-my-audi-collections-img6000v.jpg
  22. Main3s

    Z faggot

  23. Kinda wondering why she isn't naked at the end.
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