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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Well if sucking your own cock is gay because you are sucking a cock. Then if you wack off aren't you touching a dick. Would that make you gay because you're giving a hand job?
  2. Oh' and it's not gay unless you swallow your own jizz. And technically that's not gay either it’s just nasty as hell. And since taking another man’s dick in your ass is as equally as nasty then IMO it should be considered gay!
  3. ^^LOL I don't want to laugh at that becuse the dog could be really hurt, but thats funny!
  4. I understand that as long as we continue to buy gas at what ever price it is then the gas price isn't going to change. I feel the biggest problem isn’t going to be the price per gallon (PPG) but more of how the PPG will affect our lives. Even if you drive just to work and back you are going to send a fair amount of money on gas a week. On the low end $50.00 and the higher end $75.00.( And that’s super conservative) That’s about $250.00 a month for gas. That’s my car payment! Now I have to spend more money, I don’t go out as much because 1. I don’t have the money to begin with and 2 I would spend what little extra I had on getting to wherever I was going. So now people are spending less money on the economy. I really fear that the only way this is going to changes is once our economy really starts to fall apart. It has to get worse before it gets better and I’m afraid the worst is yet to come.
  5. Very nice. I think that's a sincere apology. And he makes a good point. Isn’t the reason we’re all members is to have fun, meet people and talk cars.? Sure there are going to be egos and personalities that don’t match up. But CR shouldn’t be about making people feel stupid or flaming them for no reason. And the fact that he, at one point, may have done that and is now apologizing…Well that takes a person with some real balls to go against the grain and do the right thing when it’s so easy to just keep the BS going! RESPECT!!
  6. I liked the black one in your sig better. Either way congrats on the car, I don't think there are many colors that car wouldn't look good in.
  7. Main3s

    Farve retireing

    I read that Favre was talking with Randy Moss in hopes that the Packers would sign him and if the Packers did sign Moss he would return. But from what I understand the Packers were not interested in going after Moss. So Favre decided to call it quits. I don't know if I would conceder it pouting. I mean he had a great season to end on. It was his best year since the 96 season. If he comes back next year I'm sure he would want some sort of guarantee that they could at least make it to the Super Bowl. And since there is no such thing as a guarantee (go ask the Patriots) he wanted the next best thing, a great receiver. As far as him sucking the past few years, I’m not sure how much of that was him, or the team around him. It has to be a combination of both, but bottom line Favre is one of the greatest QB’s to ever play (his numbers don’t lie) so unless he plays until he physically can’t performer, he will never SUCK.
  8. Maybe one day, if I try really hard and have a fast car, make cool post's on CR and can convince other people of my coolness I could get a nutswinger of my very own! ...sigh....One day…One day. On second thought it will probably never happen.
  9. No No No!!....Didn't you watch the video!? He has testicals in his mouth. LOL
  10. Is that a call out? I know you're dusting off the TT mustang... :woowoo:
  11. LOL!!! I have no clue what that, or this thread, was about, but it was funny.
  12. Plan on modding it any? Either in the look's dept. (ie. window tint, wheels) or under the hood? Nice looking car!
  13. I wan't pics! Or at least a hint at what you are doing to it. This LOTUS shit has come up on a few other threads now and I think it is the car that I'm most excited about seeing (not that I really matter).
  14. WOW!! Brian, did you do any tuning on it yet, or is that just the "canned" tune? I guess I didn't realize how much power those trucks made!
  15. Hey thanks for the replies! Now that it finally warmed up this weekend I was able to get out and look under the hood. I took everyone’s advice and started by checking the plugs and they looked fine. They weren't wet and had a dark tan color to them. I also made sure the fuel rail wasn't loose or leaking by the injectors. I could hear the fuel pump kick on and off but I didn't have any way to test for pressure. Everything seemed normal so I decided to just go for the simple cheep stuff since the problem hasn’t happened again. I went ahead and change the fuel filter (since I don't think it has ever been changed) and. I ran the tank down to below empty and added some "dry gas" to get out any moisture and changed the spark plugs while I was at it. I guess I'll find out sooner or later if all that worked. I just hate not knowing 100% if I fixed the problem or not. You never know if it's going to not start again at the most inconvenient time. I'd rather find something broke and know it's fixed. Oh well! Thanks again for your input, I appreciate it!
  16. WOW!!! Very nice looking car. It looks like you may need bigger tires.
  17. The intake looked really nice, to bad it gave you so many problems. Nice looking car and good HP #'s too.
  18. It looks like the car is frouning...LOL The car even hates how it looks!
  19. That look's bad ass. Although I think I would spend my 35K on something more efficent.
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