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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s

    Job choice

    Do the math and find out how long it takes to drive there and back and how much you spend in gas there and back. Then see if you'll still make 16-17 an hour. I only live about 15 miles from work and with traffic it's about a 30 minute drive, I hate it. But if you really are getting paid that crappy at the airport I'd say go for it.
  2. X2 ! How in the hell is that possible? What was your 60 ft? How much does that car weigh? Anyway, nice looking car, what all do you have done to? I think I had more fun at the track when my car was mostly stock running 13.7 then I did when it was running 12.7's. I wasn't so worried about breaking.
  3. Ouch! That's what he gets for show boating in a car he can't drive.
  4. I don't know anyone involved in the drama above ^^^ so I can't speak on behalf of them. But my vote goes to Dyno Tune Performance! Brian has tuned my 3800 with great results and I've seen him get the same kind of results out of other cars too. He's very fair to do business with and will take the time to tell you what's going on with your car if you want to learn.
  5. I did that Friday coming home from work in rush hour traffic. It's nothing really. (I wish) That was bad ass, I think that was the Transporter.
  6. Nice Car. Are there a lot of aftermarket parts for those? I like the look of them, but didn't know how much was avaliable. Welcome.
  7. What gets me about it is that you have to pay that price every year. Even if you are re-newing your personalized plate. I could see having it cost so much the 1st time, because they have to make it. But the second time they are doing nothing different then what they do with the standard plates. Oh well, that sucks.
  8. Where can you do that around here? That would be great!
  9. It has potential, but I guess what's under the hood is all that matters! Welcome.
  10. Do they send you a picture? What if you don't have a front plate? I'd like to run a light with one of those cameras in a Gorilla costume. That would make me LOL.
  11. So he the "expert rider" was picking it up for his friend? Boy, I bet his friend is going to be pissed! LOL that's a funny story.
  12. Nice pictures, Audi interior FTW! But what do I know I drive a pontiac.
  13. I can't figure out if I though that was cool or not? That car did take a beating, I'm pretty sure he fucked it all up though.
  14. Is it me or were there more boos in the 1st video? Maybe that was the whole point of the second vid?
  15. That suck man. But once the sadness is gone and you get that extra money in your pocket from not having the payment, you'll be happier. I’m debating on getting rid of my Grand Prix now and the thought of not having it makes me sad. We put a lot of time and money into our cars and when we finally wise up it hurts to think of what life is going to with out it. Nice looking car BTW.
  16. Any suggestions or first hand experiences as to the best place to work on your transmission? I'm looking for somewhere that does good thorough work but won't screw me over too hard on the price. Right now I'm just looking to get the tranny and lines flushed. Thanks!
  17. Damn! I kind of though the G8's were over rated. But you cant argue with times like that to back it up.
  18. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/jiinii/homer.jpg
  19. WOW. If you and a few empolyees spent a year going through all that and cataloging all the parts I'm sure you could make your money back pluss a lot more! And what you couldn't use because it not being worth much you could scrap and make money that way.
  20. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/rickroll_chart.jpg
  21. Mine worked right away. I was going to Rick Roll myself but decided to Rick Roll a guy in my office. Like 15 seconds later his phone rang. He hung up after being on the phone for about 30 seconds. He said "That was weird.?" So I asked who it was and he just said there was some music playing on the phone. I lost it!!
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