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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. What are you doing next weekend? I could use a hand in my bathroom! nice work.
  2. LOL, That's some funny shit!
  3. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    The NHL is looking into Avery's "Conduct" to determine if he was out of line and if it should be cause for a penalty...LOL. I hate that guy, but if he played for the Pens, I'd luv him. I thought it was great!
  4. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    Pens lead 2-0! Any surprises so far? I’m glad to see Calgary doing so well, no one really gave them a shot. The Flyers and Caps are turning into a good series.
  5. WOW. When I 1st read your "mod" list I thought your car would look like every other ricer piece of ass car on the road...But I was WAY off. That looks bad ass. I didn't think the G5's had that much potential, now if only it was fast....Welcome!
  6. I heard it tast more like a brandy then beer.
  7. Anyone know the best way to get a bottle? For those of you who don't know what it is....http://www.argonautliquor.com/142524
  8. Just like the title says, I'll be at the Winking Lizard on Bethel Rd tomorrow around 6:30. Forcast is calling for rain, so I'm calling for a few beers and some playoff hockey! I called ahead and they get NHL center ice and I've got a hook up there so we should be able to get all the good games. I know I don't know many of your personally on the forum, but you can't go wrong with Beer, Cars and Playoff Hockey!!! Games starts at 7:00 Happy Hour Ends at 7:00 so get there a little early.
  9. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    Well the Winking Lizard on Bethel Rd has the NHL center ice package. And since it's suppose to rain tomorrow night I'll be there watching game 2 of Pens Vs Sens. There will be other good games tomorrow too (Caps VS Flyers and Avs VS Wild). If any one is looking for a place to watch games. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=641285#post641285
  10. A good friend of mine got a bar code on the back of his neck, the numbers below the bar code were his 2 kids birth dates. I thought it was pretty cool.
  11. I go to Inspired By Ink. But I have heard good things about High St Tattoo. I think they were voted best in C-bus by a local paper.
  12. I searched the Forum and I didn’t se this posted, so here ya go! http://www.doodlage.com/?p=114 If it is a repost…Oh well, it’s worth it.
  13. I'd venture to say that there will be some good gains for tuning it on 93- 94 octane alone. They must be running really rich on that 87 tune!
  14. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n204/BatWings14/National%20Hockey%20League/213px-Pittsburgh_Penguins_logo.gif Game 1 Pens 4 Ottawa 0 Game 1 was GREAT!!! I was glad that Malkin did so well he had 3 points (1 goal 2 assists). He really wasn't a factor last year in the playoffs. I hope he can keep that level of play up. We did really well as a team too and got a lot of help from our checking lines. We killed of two 5 on 3 Powerplays and really controlled the tempo. It was a good start but there's a lot of Hockey left to play.
  15. Look at the picture and ask that again...They look the same to me :barf:
  16. I know the day is going to come, but I'm goanna cry like a little bitch when my dog's die. I have a 6 year Cocker Spaniel and a 4 year old boxer. They're great dogs! Sorry to hear the bad news.
  17. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    There is a bar off of Hard Rd called Chubbys. They have cheep bear good food, lots of TV's and if you get a booth they have TV’s in each with sound! I may try and catch Friday’s game there if anyone is interested.
  18. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    This is... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqOeoZNIGmo (I was at this game)
  19. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    Washington is where Pittsburgh was last year. Ovechkin is great to watch, even though I hate to admit it since he beat Malkin in points and is kind of Crosbys evil twin. But I don't think Washington has the team to win a cup. I think they'll beat Philly in the 1st round but I don't see them going any further. I don't really pay much attention to the West, but I like the Dallas Stars. The Redwings always seem to go down hill in the playoffs.
  20. That sucks for the wife. Suicide has to be the most selfish move anyone can make. What an ungrateful asshole.
  21. Weird. Is it a "Pet" spyder? It looks small.
  22. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    I know the Blue Jackets are out of the playoffs (11 points I think, LOL) and this was their BEST SEASON…Anyway, this isn’t about how bad the BJ’s are. Who do you think has the best shot at winning the Cup? I’m going with the Pittsburgh Penguins! They play Ottawa in the 1st round starting Wednesday. The Senators are pretty banged up now and have the worst record in the NHL since January despite have a killer start to the season. They killed the Penguins last year in the 1st round, but this year will should be a lot different. Your thoughts?
  23. Aaaa,to have enough $$$ to afford a car like that....
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