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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s

    Z faggot

    He got it after he hit puberty.
  2. Main3s

    Z faggot

    ^^^ Fuck, does that SHIT have to be on every page of this thread!?
  3. Booo Ford's only! I haven't been to pacemakers in years, I thought they sold it. Glad to hear its still up and going. I use to be there every Friday I could always count on 10-15 passes.
  4. Main3s

    Z faggot

    But srsly, He's followed the rules up till this point and remember we all let him in. Now because there's a band wagon of people wanting him gone we should get rid of him? I'll admit I don't care for some of his posts. Saying things then a few posts later trying to cover his butt like he just didn't say something stupid. Still, CR is driven by the drama . I have to admit, it makes for some good reading at work. And I don't give a fuck so carry on. And Paul, I suggest you switch a diet that includes less fiber...
  5. Main3s

    Z faggot

    Posts in the "romper room" don't count!!! fuckin noob
  6. How do you keep from getting tunnel vision after a while? That dude can fuckin drive.
  7. Main3s

    Z faggot

    I'm starting to think with all the time Paul spend in bathrooms, that he may actually work as a janitor...
  8. I need to start a modeling agency!
  9. It's a re-post. But after seeing it again, if that dude walked up to me and started talking to me like that cursing and carrying on about some bullshit... I'd probably hit that motherfucker right in his mouth. WTF is wrong with people?
  10. Welcome! The vr4 looks bad ass. :thumbup:
  11. Great video! Makes me wish I had something worth racing
  12. Oooo, I liked it until I saw the trunk... Oh well, it's still a sharp car for the most part and if you like it then that's all that matters. Welcome!
  13. Was that at Easton? I saw one there about 3 weeks ago and it was just BAD. ASS.
  14. I don't suppose there's anyway you're willing to part with the cobra wheels is there? GLWS!
  15. Wow, so a Police Interceptor tops out at 215! I got to get me one of those "Highway patrol chips" for my car.
  16. I didn't realize this until after I read the address, but I know right where this place is at. I used to pick up engines and other car parts from a guy who's shop was right off E Royalton Road. Small world...
  17. What the fuck is the point of running it inside the car!? am I missing something?
  18. I tried everclear once... the first 2 shots went down really smooth considering it's strength. the 3rd one was a bit rough. But I didn't end up getting wasted on the shit.
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