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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. After reading some of these responses I think CR needs to add a "therapy" section to the forum. People!, We need help.
  2. Those are bad ass! I think the fact that you suck at welding makes them better!
  3. What is this "Hooking" thing you speak of? You mean 1.80- 2.20 60fts are bad!? FWD FTMFL
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LHsscY__nE
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY_0QReTPkc
  6. You stalkin' me? I was gonna say my 95 avenger. but only because the track on the front passenger seat was fucked up, so every time I went to hit it, she would slide back about a foot. Then my leg cramped up.
  7. :funny: :funny: "My chick bad, better then yeeerrs!" Did she just lay there like a dead body and let you rail her?
  8. Fuckin' GTP owners always thinking their hot shit.
  9. X2, but then again I have a real life. Who cares about some random 11 year old girl enough to take it to these lengths.
  10. Main3s

    thank god!!!

    He's saying you have a large dick.... so yes, if you're into that sorta thing, it's a complement.
  11. A dumpster... nothing's dirtier then dirty dumpster sex!
  12. I loled when he punched the guy and told him to stay in the car.
  13. Main3s

    thank god!!!

    Even if it's a "smokin" hot deal"? ahohhh! :bangbang:
  14. So we talked last night and while I knew she wasn't happy with the end result we were able to step away not hating each other. We agreed on who takes and pays for what. It will be in writing soon just for our own piece of mind. She told me that she would like to stay in touch, even if we're not really "friends" per say down the road. Which made me feel good, if it happens great if not at least she doesn't hate me. She has vacation time at the end of August so the plan is to help her move then. In the mean time she's staying with a friend... It was tough, but I feel much better, like a new road just opened in my life and I can finally open things up and see where it takes me. Thanks again for the comments/ support.
  15. Main3s

    thank god!!!

    Bwhahahah :lol: I don't know why I find that so funny. Dudes car just burnt to the ground and you're just like... "well bro, thanks for the test drive, now that you shits on fire I gotta go... GLWS!"
  16. Yeah, complain so that he gets put on paid leave...
  17. Main3s

    thank god!!!

    So how did he react? Or did you just leave while he was in the middle of putting out the flames? It's kind of a fucked up situation, but I can't blame you. You're right, had you bought it and that were to happen on the drive home, there's no was in hells he giving you your money back.
  18. Thanks Bro's for all the support! :thumbup:
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