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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Christ that's a massive turbo! How does something like that get stolen!? I mean, people can steal anything I guess. But it's not like people park a car like that in their front yard. And there's no way you're driving it away (amusing it's pretty loud).
  2. Yeah, I wanted to do something nice/ romantic to see if I still felt anything in that way. you know as years past you stop doing the silly romantic stuff that make you really love a person. Sad to say but after our little night out I still didn't feel anything... Hell, I fell asleep on the couch that night because she had her "routine" and I just wasn't in the mood.
  3. Note: This thread is about me breaking up with my G/F. So if you want to read and reply respectfully feel free. If not, please don't insult me with sarcastic comments. I just broke up with my girl friend of 7 1/2 years over the weekend. I'm not bitter with her it's just that I'm 25 and shes 32. We've kind of grown apart (or at least I have). I met her when I was in High School and we've lived together for 6 years. Honestly she has been a huge part of my adult life and I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for her. But I realize that as I continue to grow as a person that we're just too different. I can't drag it out any longer and lead her to believe that there is going to be a bright and happy future for the 2 of us, because honestly I don't feel there is one. So as much as it pains me to do it, I had to call it quits. The worst part is the fact that I still care about her, just not as a G/F, fiance or wife. I could either hurt her now and be honest or destroy her later when she's 37 and we have more invested and I'm just bitter. We're going to sit down tonight and go over the details like who gets what, how we should divide up the bills etc. Ive never gone through this kind of thing before so I'm kind of scared. For the first time as an adult I'll be all on my own. And while there are things that I'm really nervous about, I'm actually looking forward to it. I know there are people who have been in and out of relationships, and it's not that big of a deal to them. But there are also people like myself that have always been a 1 girl kind of guy. So for me personally it was a big decision, Ive been really happy at points then really low at points, but the decision is for the best... I guess the whole point of this thread is kind of a "Brotherly Support" kind of deal. I know there are guys on here who have been through the same and I know it's gonna get worse before it gets better so knowing that people I know (well sort of know) have done it and come out better would probably help me through the bad. That and just getting it out there makes it a little more real and forces me to stand by my decision... That's pretty much it...
  4. X2... A guy should never make a 9+minute video of some other guy. Even if there are cars in the background. Shit's gay.
  5. Main3s


    Is talking about how Broly you are on the internet considered Broly?
  6. 8.2.. I wonder how much that fucker weighs!? haha, that's bad ass. Ive always had a soft spot for the s2K's
  7. At one point I owned a Doberman, Boxer and a Cocker Spaniel. My dobie past last year, but out of the 3 dogs the only one that would fuck something/ someone up if it came into the yard was my cocker spaniel (Titan). He is by far and away the alpha male, which is kind of funny. I trust him around my niece who lived with me when she was 2 and 3 years old. He listens to me very well, if there is another dog by the fence he's ready to defend his yard but the minute I call him he comes running. And even though the PC response to your situation would be "leash your dog and it's your own fault if he got hit by a car". I gotta say if it were Titan, I'd do the same thing to the fucker on the bike. :thumbup:
  8. Main3s


    Come on BRO, try harder. :bangbang:
  9. Wow, so the police can record and video tape us but we can't record them? That doesn't sound right.
  10. X2 Love that commercial... I really like the Jeep too.
  11. Honestly that's kind of a cool impromptu kind of deal. If I were at Easton with a lady around that time I might give it a shot. Thanks for all the ideas! Way to look out for a guy and his Blow-J needs. J/K.
  12. So you know of a place? And here I thought I was original.
  13. Somehow I really doubt that... Haha :bangbang:
  14. Okay, so this is gonna sound a little cheesy but fuck it... Does Columbus have any places with good scenery? I want to take my G/F somewhere kind of private like an "overlook" (yeah i know Ohio is flat) or just a nice place with a good view, it can be of the city, country side, starts etc. Just somewhere nice and low key.
  15. Aint no room for trick ass bithes in this thread!
  16. x1000000. The only reason it made news was because Rothlessburgher's name was involved. OMG, a man wee weeed on the course... :jerkit:
  17. Main3s


    Really! Can you PM me the details!?
  18. That Ferrari got walked by everything in the video I mean it's still a Ferrari and all, but DAMN!
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