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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. I saw a yellow one with a bicycle rack on the back of it... It too had a wing.
  2. It's not great looking, but it sure as hell isn't the ugliest thing I've seen done to a Mustang.
  3. Not to thread jack, but you're right. The kid bough a Porsche boxster, so about a $30K car. So if it took him 4,380hrs to make about $30,000 that's only making $7.00 an hour. In H.S. sure he can get away with it, but when you grow up and have real bills I can't see investing that much time for $7.00 an hour. Back on topic. congratz on the trade!
  4. Main3s


    I hate shit talking before a race... I mean, maybe it's just me, but if your car is as bad ass and as killer as you make it. I don't see the point in standing there bitching like a bunch of 8 year old's playing freeze tag about "I said the break" or "my car can't do this". Just STFU, put your money up and run... If you have to negotiate down to the barometric pressure or how much air is in your tires "muthafucka" then you're outta your league and need to pick a different opponent. IMHO.
  5. Main3s

    I like

    I'm looking forward to it. Either way it's going to be entertaining (for a little bit anyway).
  6. Main3s

    I like

    Assuming T.O. is even at the level to need double coverage. He hasn't played for anything the past few years. The last team he was with that had a playoff run was, what Philly!? (Dallas was a joke) And that was years ago. Then as soon as the pressure hits he's going to bitch up again. BUT, Cinci is about the only team that has been able to make something out of all the NFL fuck ups.
  7. ^ He has a point....
  8. Main3s

    I like

    I don't hate it, but from a team perspective I don't see the point in bringing him on?
  9. x2, even if you're not balls deep in another dudes ass in that pic, you're still wearing those shorts... j/k
  10. I thought Paul was the catcher
  11. WOW, that S2K was bad ass. The sad part though is that out of all the cars you saw driving there it was only a handful that actually raced. Either way great runs!
  12. They make good DD's. The motors are strong. There have been issues with the rear valve cover gasket and the coolant elbow leaking. The coolant elbow started leaking on my around 120K miles. Minor issues are a week soder joint in the Heads Up Display (if you have that) that results in it dimming. The driver info center is also known to fade or black out. If you drive it hard, I would have the trans flushed and throw in a new filter. The weak spot is the trans (from my experience). There are a few other odds and ends that have happened but as far as readability, I've had mine for 6 years and 130K miles... it's still running.
  13. That sucks about the ticket... PM me the wing recipe
  14. I'm reppin the Hilltop now! Holly Hill and Wedgwood bitches! :bangbang: That's shitty man, where exactly was the car found? I was looking but didn't notice anything near me. EDIT: Just looked up the address, too far from me.
  15. Nothing says "Sorry I Got semen in your eye" like a "Sorry I got semen in your eye" cake.
  16. And something you don't need 10000X zoom to appreciate... I understand
  17. Damn! Congratz mang, sounds like you guys are doing pretty good. Time to get some of that groupie love now.
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