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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Congratz Mang! Selling off your car had to be tough but if you're committed to it then more power to ya. I'm in the process of trying to get out too. I just got a decent promotion at work so I'm making more money and I'm only another 2 months away from having no car payment After that the rest should go quickly. I will say this though, don't forget how to have a good time. It's your money you work for it so enjoy it. It's all about balance save some spend some. Now more pics of the girl!
  2. I think there's a difference on the connection from the bell housing to the transmission.
  3. Beat me to it. It's engine swap time.
  4. I thought the beemer would have been closer... That vette is nice though. Just heads and cam and you can have lots of fun :bangbang:
  5. Very Nice!!! How hard was it to get all of the parts?
  6. That's funny. He was bad ass though. I can't play drums, but that has to be pretty hard, even if it does look like he's having a seizure at points.
  7. X2... New Thread. Who wants to donate money to make this happen.
  8. http://www.ohgizmo.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/batmobile.jpg sarcasm
  9. I would be more embarrassed then anything... Assuming I walked away from the wreck.
  10. Main3s


    Damn! I would have kept it black, but who cares what color it is with that set up, it's juts goanna be a blur anyway.
  11. Oh and thanks for the link Sol. My balls are goanna be smooth as eggs here in 8 to 9 business days :thumbup:
  12. Well it worked for me, must be operator error I like you No homo
  13. I think so... And Jim Rome is a dick.
  14. Yep sure did. I'm Goanna try and find a way to make it into a coffee table for my basement. All I need is a glass top and legs.
  15. I know, every time I've tried to do business on CL, buy or sell. I always get the weirdo-s. But not this time. I posted it and sold it to my first caller :woowoo:
  16. Depends if it's in my price range, I heard the cost went up.
  17. about Craigslist. Well, most of it anyway. I sold my 99 Dakota with 200+K miles and a bad oil pump to a guy in literally 8 minutes on Monday. I posted it and by the time I went back through to make sure the ad had posted properly I already had a call. The guy drove 45 minutes to Wilmington with $1,000 cash and trailered it away. I was amazed. For all the BS that goes on with people and CL, I must admit when it works, it works GREAT! That's all really, 8 minutes has to be some sort of record time
  18. Well you don't see that everyday.
  19. http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/6687/slide_6687_88803_large.jpg?1274803343778 http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/7012/slide_7012_92830_large.jpg http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/6979/slide_6979_92456_large.jpg?1274803593731
  20. http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/6997/slide_6997_93028_large.jpg?1274802950840 http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/6997/slide_6997_92962_large.jpg?1274803013856 http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/6997/slide_6997_92966_large.jpg?1274803057856 http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/6997/slide_6997_93027_large.jpg?1274803104809 http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/6997/slide_6997_92713_large.jpg?1274803129356
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