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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. FUCK THEM!!! The craziest thing happened to me a few weeks ago I was downtown and had just left the spaghetti warehouse when this bum lady came up to my car and asked for MONEY. My G/F was with me and she was like "give her something", So I gave her the loose change that was piling up in my center consol, mostly pennies and nickels. I handed her the change and the bitch took it, looked at it, and then threw it back at me and said “I want MONEY ni**ga not no change you cheap ass mother fucker!”… I was shocked… I didn’t really know what to do. We were at a stop light, but I threw the car in park and Kari started yelling at me to stop what I was doing. I got out and ran up on the lady and just started yelling at her. (What was I really going to do? Beat up a crack head woman?) People started honking their horns so I went back gathered up what change was left walked over and threw it her as hard as I could! I know a few hit her in the head/ face. I was soo pissed! I gunned the car at her too like I was going to run her down but that was more just out of rage… So fuck the homeless. I know people claim to have reasons as to why they’re homeless and I’m sure some are legit and unfortunate, but I have to believe that most are that way because they’re too fuckin lazy to take responsibility for themselves!
  2. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_mmBw3uzPnJI/Sgq6V3fzBhI/AAAAAAAAmBs/IpJwc-2ghqc/s1600/Funny_Motivational_Posters_23.jpg
  3. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i298/shawndetty/yoda.jpg
  4. Main3s

    The mantis

    What kind of shananagins is this!?
  5. Seeing how this is never going to happen, I'll play along.... Assuming that $30K just fell out of the sky I'd cash it out in $1 & $5 bills then make a bed out of it. Then I'd invite over a bunch of ladies / whores and fuck the shit outta them all on my money bed. Whatever stuck to their ass they could keep and I'd just fuck it all away. or... I'd track down this chick... http://s3.amazonaws.com/giles/marketing_020809/allison_stokke.jpg And pay her a few $K to pollvolt something else (if ya know what I mean)
  6. Jesus, :eek2: :thumbup: I would have HER babies! I think I'm in love.
  7. You missed a spot j/k. Looks good man!
  8. Level 8: 25,220. I think the accuracy bonus is key!
  9. I found this comment very helpful, thanks!
  10. Don't give up now, just 4 more and you have a basball team!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/user/oldspice?v=3tI4CbCniBI&feature=pyv&ad=3531735917&kw=old%20spice&gclid=CLWqjdvx76ACFQuB5QodTnBLNw#p/c/60FA3565B68C63DF/4/aFAXv_OGdz0
  12. Bwhahaha. Pa Pa Paa Paaa Paaa Pa Power!
  13. Main3s

    Epic Fall!

    Uploaded 3 years ago and over 1 million views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RE
  14. I'd go with Justin Beiber... 1. He's anoying as fuck, sure Beyonce gets old but at least she's hot. whats Beiber got? 2. He's not as rich as Beyonce. So if you punched him you may be able to pleed out in court. Beyonce's lawyers would probably send your ass to jail. 3. Justin Beiber isn't married to Jay-Z. Now I know Jay may have calmed down but for fuck sake Jay-Z shot his own brother over a gold chain. I'm sure he knows a few guys that would fuck you up if you punched his wife.
  15. To vistit his family in Amish Country... He's gets back every few weeks.
  16. BWHAHAHAHAH No fuckin way!!!! Hahahahahah Take notes cliff, this is how you find a car that you saw on 270! Hahahah
  17. Well if that's the case we may never know...
  18. We did it! :lol: Blue Hyundai FTW!!!!
  19. http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j163/dj_xtort/Borat_Great_Success.jpg
  20. Okay, enough is enough... So was it the darker silver or light silver? I know a guy who has one he works at Chase near easton...
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