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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. ...oline jumping http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4s2H9cH7Sw&feature=PlayList&p=9FCA34CC05687653&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=74
  2. I like the car, just not the whole rusted out bucket look. It's just not for me.
  3. I hate to say it, but I agree. 1st one was much better. that is all.
  4. Panic cause most people to think irrationally.
  5. Main3s

    STi is done :)

    Love your car mang, looks good! :thumbup:
  6. Main3s

    OSU is done

    Tripple cuz I'm a monday morning QB. And lets not forget, I know people bitch and moan about loosing but OSU has been a solid football program for several years now. I know they've lost "The Big Games" but hell, they were at least in big games. Would you rather be a team who can't win any game? Let them "cycle" through this season as most college programs do and in another year they'll be back in the thick of it!
  7. Main3s

    OSU is done

    And is it me, or did something just seem off this season? I just couldn't get excited about OSU football, like even if they made the journey back to the Title Game it would just crash and burn epically after the loss to USC. Maybe them loosing is a good thing... you know lower people expectations, take some focus/ pressure off the team. Penn State is decent; a few other Big Ten teams show some potential. Let OSU win some weak bowl game against an okay team. Get a solid back up QB on the bench to motivate/ fill in with Pryor and come back in next year with less baggage and an actual shot.
  8. Main3s

    OSU is done

    Fuck it I'm on Tebows band wagon, what he does as a QB for his team and the passion he plays with I'd take him on any team. You can hate on Florida as a team if you want but Tebow is sweet. There I said it!
  9. the previews don't look that bad. I heard it had a much "darker" tone then the book. I'll still probably see it.
  10. X2 ^^ For my Dakota I just replace all the old crap, it came right off. I used a universal weather-stripping kit from AutoZone it actually worked really well. I used a little bit of silicone in to hold it in place, but all and all it was very simple, old stripping off, new stripping on.
  11. Beat me to it. I wanted to laugh at one point but that too fucked up. Glad she has some normalcy with running and backing up .
  12. I was about 6 minutes late to work today and they siad something about it. My responce was "Well, I'm not Detroit." My manager looked at me like WTF. I just laughed.
  13. Bwhahahah... Buy a house for the price of a VCR. :lol::lol:
  14. Hahaha, that's so fucked up but funny!
  15. X100 on the video. Good luck on the goals, bad ass car!!!!
  16. Yep, I turned it off the minute I started to smile. That’s fucked up and I know if I watched it I'd probably have a cell next to the furnace in hell.
  17. I feel obligated to post in this thread just because I own the fasts GTP on the planet Neptune ... I have now posted... that is all.
  18. Yeah, people can get too worked up at times. It's hard to tell just by typing how upset people are getting. You may put it out there as a joke and it can be received as an insult or direct bashing. I can't control how other people react to what I type but I can control what I type. So rather then get a be "E"go when shit gets off track/ outta hand I just stop, it's really not that hard for me. Others don't have that same kind of control. I guess it's like going to a bar, some people can hold their liquor and others can't. Know your limits and when to stop, other wise you get carried out by the bouncers and look like a fucking lame.
  19. It's CR, what it lacks or has to much of is exactly what makes it CR. The drama when people get their feelings hurt, the bashing of Paul and his typing skills, the insults & help from Gearhead, the post whoring by Mr. Sheeba, the Graphs from Kevin. R, the 3+ Pages from Sam, the lurking douchebaggery from white, the wining from “OG” members about how cool the olden days were, the PRK, the lack of “I love you man” threads in the kitchen, the abundance of shit talking fags that don’t have cars to race and even the way we all come to the aid of a member when needed. If we had more loving threads or less bashing threads then it would be another forum. You take the good with the bad. It’s the forum that you either love to hate or hate to love. So I’d just like to say FUCK all you crazy bastards and thanks for making CR what it is!
  20. I like the line "Super bad chick given me Mclovin" Kind of stupid, I know.
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