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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. I saw a HUGE one in my crawl space last weekend. Not goann lie, it scared the shit outta me. I screamed like a little girl. It was on one of the rafters right by my face and about the same size as the one above next to the pen. Or at least it seemed that big 3 inches from my face. After I screamed and smacked my head on the rafter, I started punching at it. Thoes fuckers are fast.
  2. your car looks like it was in a fire. But I think it's a Subie thing. I got my first Scoobie and love it. It has no power at all, but is fun as hell to drive! Nice choice :thumbup:
  3. Main3s

    Post your pets

    Wow CR has a lot of Boxers! Gimmic my cat... http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_1357.jpg Mozart aka Mo-Man (R.I.P Lost to Cancer about a month ago ) http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_1335.jpg Titan (He needed a hair cut BAD in this pic) http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_1355.jpg The Boxer is mine Simon. The others are just dogs we pet sit for... http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_1340.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_1338.jpg I've got another dog, cat, bird and better pics but none at work.
  4. Meh, he's doing fine. You don't give us enough credit. I think most everyone who responded can understand his situation and recognize and good potential member. He likes his car, goes to meets, and turns wrenches/ stickers. Sure I see a blue ricey looking Mazda but I also see someone who enjoys cars and isn’t afraid to show it off, it’s a work in progress and from one car guy to another I can respect that. What he said makes sense (not that he has to defend his actions) and he seems to roll with the punches so what’s the big deal? He’s got positive rep from a lot of the “Dicks” in the thread in is on his way. So again welcome mang!
  5. How the hell did I miss this thread? From my experience you'll get more pleasure from reading these responses then you will actually get from your wife, so good luck!
  6. Habba Babba! Dr Pepper? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  7. Main3s

    Rental Cars

    Hahah, yeah, you're probably right Oops.
  8. Main3s

    Rental Cars

    Thanks for the offer mang, but I couldn't take that risk on behalf of someone I don't know. Too many what if's, Ya know?
  9. Main3s

    Rental Cars

    I treied U-hall Hahah, no luck there either. Almost the same amount for less days and miles. Oh well. It's part of the experience I guess. A 22 hour drive from Texas to Columbus by yourself is good for a little self reflection. . I'm not goanna let that stop me. It will be like a mini Gumball race. Except with no prize, no other people, not pit stops to party, no cool cars to race...so actually it's not at all like a gumball race. Hahaha. I hide my pain with humor.
  10. I think you may be the first person who did better before the pics. I feel ya though on the DD and life long project. My GTP was my DD when I was moding it. It took about 3 years to get it to where I wanted it then I took everything off because all it did at that point was break. I put one too many Nozzz stickers on my fender along with the ram air intake and the trans just couldn't handle it.
  11. Wasn't worth the suspense... Welcome anyway, you’ll fit in just fine.
  12. Main3s

    Rental Cars

    I think I see what you're saying but I don't think its goanna work. The plan is to drive From Columbus to Houston TX and make a few stops on the way. Leave the rental car there and fly back to Columbus. The pain in the ass part is I already have the plain ticket and it’s non-transferable/ non-refundable. So I either drive my car and eat the cost of the plain ticket and have to cut 2 days out of the trip for travel back to columbus… Or pay $800 fucking dollars to get there
  13. Main3s

    Rental Cars

    One way!? You got a deal!
  14. Main3s

    Rental Cars

    I'm goann be flying back. Thanks I'll check out yahoo & price line. Last minute chaneg in plans suck
  15. I never thought jumping rope could be so cool and turn me on at the same time... weird.
  16. What are some good car rental places? I'm trying to get a one way rental but the price is crazy!! almost $1,000 for a week Anyone know of or got the hook up at car rental? Or maybe you just want to give me a car... thats cool too.
  17. Great looking car mang! I really like what you've done with it. I would have kept it blue myself, but the clear looks neat, going for that whole wonder woman invisible plane look huh... I get it, a real sleeper!. Welcome to CR!!!
  18. A guy I know is really paranoid about the Government and spays and conspiracies ect. When I told him I had on start he freaked out. "Man they can track you and record all your patterns; if you speed they'll know it then set up a speed trap based on your driving habits and nail you bro!" Well, I’m not THAT worried about it I figured if the government spys want ME then my onstart is not going to be the only thing they can track. But when I was looking for weight reduction Onstar was one of the first things to go.
  19. Sounds like you need to read the fine print.... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61817 Credit Cards are designed for you to fail. I got the same letter in the mail the other day. Bye Bye 2nd credit card.
  20. No way! Me too! that sucks mang. There has to be a problem. They only reason mine has jumped in the past is they were unable to read it (mine for some odd reason is in the basement) so they estimated how much i used. After it went up a few hundred I called and had them come out to read it. they adjusted the next months bills. Good luck!
  21. No they're turboed now, after 09 I think.
  22. Ion Propulsion swap > LSX swap... that is all.
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