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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. hahahaha


    the leafs dont sucks... damnit lol


    that guy was pissed i won i think, he didnt even look me in the face when he shook my hand...


    Becasue he got beat by a girl! :p Congratz on kicking ass. I love it when you start to get going and seem unbeatable. Oh and the leafs do suck (go pens) and if you need naked mens, even though I didn't agree to it... I'll stop by.

  2. Whatever the argument was over you can rest assured, it was totally worth it.


    Bwhahahaahah. :lol:



    It looked like they were in more danger of getting hit with "friendly" fire then getting hit by one of the people they were fighting with. And yeah, there had to of been at least 15-20 shots in a small enclosed environment and not a single person was hit.

  3. I saw it a few weeks ago. It's been in Columbus for over a month now. Prior to showing at Easton it was only shown at Studio 35 in Clintonville and the only time it was playing was 12:00am. The first week I went it was sold out and the line was literally 2 blocks long. I went back the 2nd week and actually got tickets and got to watch it. I went with 7 other people and not to kill the “buzz” but me and 6 of the other 7 thought it was fucking stupid, like leave early kind of stupid. It is what it is I guess. It’s a low budget movie, I thought if the acting were better it could have been scary but every time the girl spoke it seemed so fake I just couldn’t get into the movie.
  4. idk...its odd


    ide have to see it in person i think...i kinda like it, but something about it just doesnt seem right


    Maybe the 2 extra doors?


    Meh, it's okay. I'd take the Cayenne before that thing though, but I'd take that over Lambos 4 door sports sedan

  5. Damn it! I hate these threads. Because I always read the posts and think, "well I'm not watching that fucked up shit" but curiosity always gets the best of me & I end up watching... I might check it out later when I get home. It can’t be that bad… can it?
  6. brb, spending $15k+ on a subaru with no turbo


    You mad all I gotta do is chip it and i'm up to 230? . They saw you're sucker ass all the way from the street when you bought that car. LOL



    "Hey jim, what are we gonna do with all these fail subaru impreza's w/ no turbo's? Wait bob, I see some dumb fucker looking at one on the lot!!"


    All you got to do is talk. If it were that easy what are you waiting for? "I could be faster if I chiped it.." "I could be cooler if I lived closer to cbus" It's okay, you don't have to pretend.

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