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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Good to see you made effort to read the stickies and make a great introduction. This really tells me a lot about the great contributions you are surely going to make to Columbus Racing. We are soo lucky to have you. :rolleyes:


    in for more raping.


    so you use a chevy to tow your ford to the track?


    OMG! Someone who races wants to join Columbus racing... Let's all jumps his shit for not properly posting pics. Then later we can all bitch about people who don’t race in a 6 + page thread! Yeesss :jerkit:




    Welcome to CR... This is pretty much it. Post some pics of your car, I'm iliterate and can only judge you by looking at pictures.

  2. I don't know what the big deal is...Mow those damn things up! Am I missing something? If they're dry crunchy leaves then any mower should shred them to confetti sized pieces. I did my lawn on Sunday. I used the bag on the front just so it looked better and in the back yard I just mulched em’ up. I only had 2 trash bags of leaves, and that included some of my neighbors and the ones that got caught in the gutters… Good luck though...
  3. Good luck man. If you're really that worried about it then you should do something. Maybe record the noise with a video camer and THEN call the police. If they have some sort of evidence before hand they may be more willing to do more then just knock on the door and ask a few questions. I don't know about PETA... I think that is just hype, I've heard of animal control, but I don't think Columbus has anything like the ASPCA (Police for animals). I could be wrong though. Let us know what happens...this is definatly odd.
  4. Like everyone else in this thread, sorry for your loss. Mans best friend seem like an understatement sometimes. I just lost my Dobie, Mozart/ Mo-man to cancer, it sucks :(


    He loved keeping guard, the yard still doesn't seem right now that he's gone....




  5. What a tragic event!


    What is even more tragic is people are trying making this into an Obama issue. Are you fucking kidding me? The amount of dumb it takes to even think or joke he had anything to do with this is mind blowing and disrespectful at best.


    X2... The only person who is to blame here is the person who did the shooting. That's what’s wrong the world today, everyone wants to blame someone else for what was done rather then take responsibility for their own actions. “Obama, did this, Obama did that” But Obama didn’t shoot up the place, and never met the guy. Yeah, after watching the clip & how he responded to the situation it is was in poor taste IMO him, giving a shout out to someone. It’s a serious issue and again IMO what ever else was going on could have taken a back seat to the shooting. But to blame anyone other then the shooter himself is just ignorant, and I’m sure the shooter is going to blame someone too and talk about how it’s the governments fault for sending him off… So congratulations to all you dumb fucks who want to pass the blame just like the shooter will do! God Bless America…

  6. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is a hypothetical situation and he is NOT actually talking with a former porn star...I could be wrong though.


    But if she’s clean, good looking and the sex is good why not? Are you really thinking about ethics and morals right before you nut in her mouth anyway?


    Or "Damn, I really want to cum in your ass, but you have a sketchy past and that goes against what I believe in..."

  7. We slept in the car most of the time. Ended up driving my GTP since a one way rental was like $700.00 :eek: Only ended up spending about $250 on the trip $150 in gas the othe $100 on food & beer.
  8. More form New Orleans....




    Now it was time to get drunk... 9:00am. But we had to eat first... Alagator...















  9. Sasfras Mt In S.C.










    Welcome to ATL...It kind of suck actually.






    Fuck Mississippi... I was tired of driving at this point.




    Alabama we drove through at night then got to New Orleans at 8:00am...






    Found out that the XXX markings on the graves was Vodo, and a way to talk with the dead...


  10. So I went on a road trip last week and climbed the highest mountains in the Appalachians. It was a great time, we left Columbus Saturday night hiked mountains the first 3 days, partied in Atlanta, and New Orleans then hung out in Houston for a while. About 3,000 miles in a week and 9 states. Some highlights…


    1. Summited the highest Mountain in K.Y.

    2. Summited the highest Mountain in V.A. at night with a bear.

    3. Slept in freezing cold car in a parking lot. Chased off by police at 5:00am

    4. Summited the highest Mountain East of the Mississippi at Sun Rise (6:30am at 6,600+ feet)

    5. Summited the highest mountain in S.C. My friend had an accident and the car got searched by the mountain police.

    6. Almost got mugged/ set up by a bum in downtown Atlanta

    7. Slept at the Mississippi welcome center

    8. Experienced racism in South Alabama

    9. Ate alligator, jubolia and gumbo in New Orleans for breakfast

    10. Visited one of the scariest places in America (the tombs in New Orleans)

    11. Got drunk on Bourbon St at 9:00am (Amazing place, really more then just a party)

    12. Made egg rolls in Houston T.X.

    13. Trapped in a flood & Tornado in North Texas

    14. Slept at the Tennessee welcome center

    15. Spent an hour in handcuffs on the side of I-40 while the Tennessee State Patrol men tore my car apart looking for drugs.


    Now for some pics….


    Black Mountain in K.Y.








    Mt Rogers in VA at night...Not much to see, shitty pics:lol:







    Mt Mitchell in VA at Sun Rise









  11. Why do you live your life one quartermile at a time?


    Simple... because in thoes 13 seconds or more, nothing else matter. Not the shop, not the crew and their BS... I'm free. or something like that.

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