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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Just give it up fat boy and ur lil buddy super gtp. I know u guys be docking everynight. Taking turns driving eachother gtp's out to the super secret meeting spot


    If the thought of me & Big Boi spooning is the closest thing you'll ever get to loosing your virginity with an actual person... then carry on!

  2. Hey man, I got a killer hangover from drinkin 5 beers last night and I gotta go to work. I think imma make a thread about it and see what ppl think.

































































    You remembered me! How cute.

  3. Finally talked my G/F into going tomorrow, Yesss! She told me to go with a friend so I told her I'd go with this girl who likes me... Hahah Now all a sudden she wants to go see it with me. :D
  4. Beat me fucking to it dammit. I was going with nutswingers central.


    I knew you were thinking of it first, you're so cool! Probably on of my favorite members!








  5. I need some ideas too. I've got a party for work that I'm going to. I thought about going as my boss then hitting on his wife all night! hahah But I kind of want to keep my job.


    Billy Mayse is a good one, simple cheap & everyone wold get it...Come on there's got to be more creativity on CR then this (80% of CR owns an Fbody the other 20% Mustangs)

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