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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Holy shit!!!

    responce from earlier...


    Me: When you goanna let me tap that...


    Her: When you choose you wanna be happy & not mak everyone else happy and git rid of ___ (girlfirend).. I know some people who would let you tap that...




    :eek: WOW!!! I don't know what to say. I've been kind of flirting with this girl for a bit now, but Daaamn! I was expecting a playfull responce. Not a "Hey dump your G/F and I'll fuck your brains out" kind of responce. Hahah.

  2. baseball is barley a sport. Most baseball players arent even real athletes. Kickers and punters are a vital part of football. They dont do that much most of the time but they make huge plays that win games for teams every year. Adam Vinitari won 3 superbowls with last second field goals with the pats.


    Yeah.. Baseball has got to be the most... you know what... fuck it, that's another thread.

  3. I couldn't name five tight ends, five centers, five cornerbacks, or five anythings aside quarterbacks, running backs, and wide receivers. doesn't mean shit about whether or not they are football players. Kickers are definitely football players. Like anyone on the team, they only fill a certain role.



  4. Fast fact that will piss you off more: The BMV can look up if you have active insurance, but by law they're not allowed to for this program (and most others).




    If you have another car with insurance and good plates, no. Example: If I got one of these for my SVO in January, I can come back and show them my Trailblazer as proof I have another insured vehicle to drive.


    This.. my mom got one for here mazda which has a blown motor and hasn't moved in 2 years. She just showed her current viechiel and proof of insurance. But it is a joke of a program.

  5. I dont meen that i mean whe papa joes was there i forgot your too young to rememeber the old campus is was alot better back then


    I'm just given you shit. It's kind of cool I was just thinking how much things have changed in the past 10 years. 10-12 years ago there was maybe 1 walmart in town and no Starbucks. Now there are starbucks everywhere and Walmarts on every side of town.

  6. why u have awd now enjoy it you women



    i pray for tons of snow to play in :bangbang:


    Maybe true, but I still have to deal with the dumbass people who can't drive in it. Oh and I still have to shovle the shit outta my driveway :(

    If it were just to play in the hells yeah.

  7. Nice car. If you want to keep it that way...don't mod it. Intake + Exhaust = enough. (Sorry bad experience with mine over 320whp) And since people are whoring out their GTP Pics :D ...











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