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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I hate it when I finish peeing and I've done the standard 3 shakes that when I put my dick back in my pants a little bit of pee leaks out and rolls down my thigh.


    I hate finding out that I have 2 hours of work left to do when it’s 4:30pm on a Friday.


    I hate working weekends then hearing about what a great time everyone else had while I was stuck at work. FUCK YOU ALL!


    I hate it when my G/F farts while I’m going down on her…


    I hate losing a 20 Roll to a NEON!


    I hate losing a 40 Roll to a NEON!


    I hate NEONS!!!!

  2. I love everyone in this thread except white! And I'd love to take you all out to McDonalds then get you drunk off of appletinys, shots of pineapple upside-down cake and lemon drops. After that we would leave the bar in my "Sssupeerr!_GTP" while you all sucked my meat at 120mph on the way to Brian’s house where I would wake him up by rubbing one out in his ass. Then we would all gather in a big circle and jerk off into a jar of pickles. Then we would all go home and post on CR how...

    Much we love everyone in this thread except white! And that we went to McDonalds then got drunk off of appletinys, shots of pineapple upside-down cake and lemon drops. After that we left the bar in a "Sssupeerr!_GTP" while we all sucked Chris' meat at 120mph on the way to Brian’s house where Chris woke him up by rubbing one out in his ass. Then we all gathered in a big circle and jerked off into a jar of pickles.










































    Thread / :lol: :marc2:

  3. I'm with V8KILR on this one... The police and law makers should be out doing their jobs instead of violating our rights to make it easier on them. I’m not saying that drunk drivers are okay, but as easy as it is for us sober drivers to avoid check points, don’t you think that they are just as easy for a drunk driver to avoid? So what good does it do? And if you don’t think that it’s wrong to stop and search law biding citizens then you need to wake up…
  4. How does one go about having a felony conviction removed from their record in Ohio?


    The event took place about 4 years ago and was an assault charge.

    Charges were filed by the state NOT the person involved in the assault.

    Apart from minor traffic violations there is no other criminal background.

    Jail time was served and all fines and fees paid.


    Is there a way to have a felony removed from someone’s record? I did some looking online but the info I found was very general. I'm sure contacting and working through a lawyer will be necessary, but what I want to know is... Is it a long shot to have a felony removed? I'm sure it's not easy but does anyone know how it works in Ohio?

  5. Don't be on any of the top 10 lists. I was on the local leader board and 3 of my streets got hazards put on them on the same day. Fuckers :mad: It's all good though I was able to get rid of them AND put up a school on one. I'll show them!!! :lol:
  6. I don't think it matters much anymore. 3800pro has been slow now that the 3800 motor has been scrapped by GM. Not taking anything away from INTENSE or the other members on the forum. When I was modding my GTP I spent a lot of time on 3800pro, lots of solid advice, very helpful members. I never had a problem with INTENSE either, their products worked fine for me. I heard a lot of drama about them in the beginning but I can only go off of my personal experience which has been a good one. Long story short though, you’re not really missing anything there now, mostly de-mod and FS threads. As far as the ban goes, that seems kind of silly to me, but I guess that’s the advantage of owning your own forum…
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