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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Okay, so I'm looking for your hardest workout! The catch is that it has to involve a medicine ball, and a wall. Sound easy enough? I'm not sure how common it is, but at my gym we have a "Wall Of Pain" it's just a wall and medicine balls. A few examples excersises are... 1.You take the ball (15-20 pounds for me), face the wall about a foot or 2 out, bring the ball back over your head and smack it against the wall for a minute. 2. Face the wall about a foot or 2 out and toss it up agains the wall for a minute. 3. "Up and Outs". You put your backs against the wall and squat like your in a chair, then take the 20pound ball and extend it up over your head, back down to your chest then out in front of you... for a minute. I need to find an exercise that is actually doable and is a good work out but is just hard as hell and makes you feel it! It can envolve jumping, squats whatever it just needs to involve a wall and a medicine ball. Thanks for the help!
  2. "Street Car...?" Define street car! Hahaha, Good thing he put all the stickers on the bottom of the car.
  3. The motivating factor for all this was just that I thought it was possible. I wanted to do it, I guess, because I can. Hahaha, very nice!
  4. Nice pics of a nice car... Nice work!
  5. I love the old brick cell phone!
  6. No it's never been posted before! Now :gtfo:
  7. Bwhahahaha.... This vidoe is offencive and funny, enjoy!
  8. Main3s

    Turbo Z28

    I'm use to loosing close races... I know what it looks like.
  9. X2 would have done better the first time if I would have gotten the spelling right.
  10. Main3s

    Turbo Z28

    Those were some good races between the Z28 and Z06! From a dig too. The vette got em' off the line pretty much every time (thanks S/C) but the Z28 seemed to always win. Good stuff!
  11. Yeah no shit! I worked at a shop about a year and a half ago and experienced this first hand. I was cleaning off some parts over the trash can using brake cleaner and my buddy was welding up an exhaust. I was in one bay and he was in the other with the car up on the lift. He needed a hand holding up the exhaust so I went over to help. I put the lid on the trash can (after I got done spraying in about a can and a half of brake cleaner) Once he had most of it in place I decided to pick up some of the trash from the packaging so I rolled the trash can over, opened the lid and well one little spark must have gotten too close and.... Whooosh Boooooom! The trash can went flying my arm was on fire and so was his back... It wasn't anything serious really just singed the hair off my arm and a little off the back of his head. We both freaked the fuck out for a second because neither one of us knew right away what had happened. He was like "am I on fire!?" I said "No, me?" he was like "It might be invisible fire." From then on we made a rule, no trash cans within 10 ft of where we were welding. It could have been a lot worse, but we learned our lesson and had a laugh about it later.
  12. Excuse my ignorance but is that an old Toyota??? Whatever it is its actually pretty badass!
  13. An early 90 Celica would be sweet.... But only of Eddie Murphy was selling it to me... http://car-cm.zdap.jp/toyota/celica_1989_000030.jpg http://car-cm.zdap.jp/toyota/celica_1989_000031.jpg http://car-cm.zdap.jp/toyota/celica_1989_000029.jpg
  14. LOL...And he beats it himself too.
  15. This too. If I just had stupid money I'd buy all the cars I wanted and beat the shit outta them. All the ones that aren't worth a damn that is.
  16. Got this from another forum and thought it'd be fun.... Air your vehicular forbidden loves. Not something we all know we'll never afford or find but somehting you could go on ebay, autotrader, cycletrader, etc and purchase right now that you would catch grief for buying. Maybe you've been a Mustang guy your whole life but want a mopar.... Mine would be. A Mini Cooper http://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif http://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif Or an SRT-4... I mean Neon.
  17. Top Gear had one with a jet racing a Bugatti... it was bad ass!!!
  18. Main3s


    Welcome back to CR! +rep for having a diffenrnt kind of intro. Snow, Ice and water +Jeep+ someone who actually drives it = VERY NICE!!!! Great pics too!
  19. Hahahah... Next...Next...your time is up!
  20. I bet she has a great personality too....
  21. Shit like that makes me loose faith in humanity. I mean seriously this guy is “supposedly” sleeping on an air mattress in a $250.00 a month apartment in the fucking hood and his biggest concerns are “virgins” God help us all.
  22. From what I've read they found it early and say it's very treatable. But G/L to him anyway.
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