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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s


    Haha, when you say you controll it, what do you do? Count to 10? think if kittens?
  2. Main3s


    ^^^ Very true. I tell myself all the time that even the idiots have thier palce in the world.
  3. Main3s


    , yeah , i guess if it comes down to it, I could say the same. I just have a new respect for hitting people now it's almost unfair.
  4. Main3s


    I know we all loose it sometimes, but who has a bad/ short temper and what do you do to correct it and why do you feel like you loose it? I'm asking because I have an evil temper. Ask most people who know me and they'll tell you I'm extremely easy going, I can roll with the punches and let a lot slide. But ask the people who have known me a while and are really close to me and they know every now and again I have a straight evil side. It scares me. Today I was working on something and my boss rushes into my office and says something then turns around to walk out. I said hey and started to ask him a question. Then he just leaves. For whatever reason, I just got pissed! I remember feeling extremely insulted and disrespected. I mean he clearly heard me, he just said his peace and left. So I walk down the hall and said “John! Don’t fuckin walk away from me, I asked you a question. Now turn around and answer me!” He looked at me with just shock… I didn’t care. I said “What you did was rude!” Well he answered my question then that was it…It may not sound that bad, but cursing in a professional environment at your boss over nothing is kind of a big deal. I mean I could get written up or suspended or hells at the wrong time loose my job and or credibility. What scares me is when I do, I don’t even give shit what happens. It’s calmed down over the years but has never left me 100%. When I was younger 17-18 I would get into fights. But most young men do I guess. Not goanna lie, I got the shit beat out of me for it sometimes. There was another situation when I was about 21 when I punched and choked the shit out of someone. He ended up passing out and it took a few people to pull me off. There is a lot of back round to that story, (no alcohol) some may say I did the right thing, but I don’t want to hurt people. I really don’t like that about me, but I feel like I may always have it. I’m 24 now and I’d say I may loose my temper once a month or maybe every 2 weeks if I’m really stressed... but when I do… it’s bad. . Since I’ve started boxing I think it’s gotten a lot better on the physical violence, but I still just get in a rage sometimes. So what do you do when you get upset?
  5. WOW! Clean ass car man. I hate looking at threads like this when I'm broke Good luck with the sale. I have a friend who is looking for a good clean F-body. I'll pass your info along to him.
  6. ... I really don't know what to say...
  7. And I wouldn't be able to enjoy little boys.... Too soon? Seriously though, I'm not going to hate on the mans tallent. He could sing and dance, it's a shame he went so nutty. RIP!
  8. Thanks! Yeah, I deleted thoes after everyone a month of no responces....
  9. Lastly I also suspect I feel a little vulnerable because this is ground I have never certainly never covered before - so if you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul." Ummm is it really that hard. Either you're going to sneek around on your wife and family or you're going to break it off then hook up with your new woman...
  10. At first I didn't see the paddle, that was pretty good.
  11. What do you call a fish with no eye? FSH
  12. :funny: That old fucker almost died! Hahahahah
  13. Good becuase if that was you, then I would give you - rep for wanting to join Columbus Racing without actualy racing.
  14. How the hell did we make it 2 pages with out a F&F quote? I guess I'll be the first... "Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning." - Dominic Toretto
  15. :confused: http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t212/trl2003/bill_and_teds_excellent_adventure.jpg
  16. I hate idiot drivers! At least it doesnt sound too bad and you're okay. Hopefully everything gets worked out. Good luck!
  17. Main3s


    I heard you had to kill a man to become a member. :ninja:
  18. The GP! I couldn't take ALL my go fast parts off, what fun would that be
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