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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. amp is sold Bump for the subs
  2. yeah I would move into my parents basement if it ment me saving a little money:rolleyes:
  3. man card. hand it over, NOW!
  4. tilted kilt for food, any number of the bars, then gun range (in that order, its the american thing to do )
  5. lake Erie islands, cedar point if it is open, old mans cave, Mohican, hocking hills, winking lizard
  6. so where are you moving?
  7. i like how the one guy has his mom in the phone as "birthgiver"
  8. holy shit that was fast
  9. You should look and see if pilots and paws need any dogs transported. They take animals from high kill shelters to new/ foster homes
  10. Always leave it in gear as well. It might be a pain in the ass to keep the clutch in but if you see someone coming up behind you at a stop you want to GTF as fast as you can.
  11. I want him to clear out the one storage room and turn it into a gun room. There is almost no humidity down there and the temp is usually a steady 65
  12. I really can't blame you for your reaction. Cops probably got a good laugh out of it though.
  13. I got the form I need to send in verifying my info. I will let you know when I get the money, doubt it will be anytime soon
  14. Sale pend on the amp Bump for tylers subs!
  15. You should have seen how the garage floor turned out. I am surprised that the man cave came out as well as it did. One of his buddies did the same thing a few years ago and messed up really bad. He got the idea formed him and learned from his mistakes. none I think from the time we bought the lot until now we have been working on this project for almost 9 years. We had to clear out all the brush and poison ivy to get to the rock. Since we used the same rock for part of the siding, landscaping, and the fire place they spent about 2 years pilling while the searched for an architect and builder. The build of the house its self took about 2 years. Once. The houses was done my dad slowly started working on doing the rock walls. He doesnt have a abnormal Monday through Friday 9-5 job so finding time to do it was a pain. There was a small set back when he had to get surgery on his neck. Thankfully that went as well possible and he was only out a few months.
  16. nice..... now as if it were an english gentleman hah! I found your last comment humorous, good sir! hahaha My jubilant utterance could be heard in the next room! lol - laugh out loud I did laugh merrily in an out loud fashion. rofl - rolling on floor laughing I dare say I fell onto the ground, and proceeded to roll about as if I were swine of some sort. lmao - laughing my ass off I laughed so intensely that my buttocks nearly disconnected from my flesh. pmsl - pissed myself laughing My guttural emission of joy caused me to urinate my trousers. omg - oh my god Gordon Bennett! zomg - oh my god with a z at the beginning zGordon Bennett! w/e - whatever Right. Would you like some tea? stfu - shut the fuck up If you were drinking tea right now, you would not be speaking. ily - I love you I dare say, if I weren’t a proper Englishman and my heart was not a cold dark place, I suspect I would feel quite passionate about you. roflcopter - rolling on the floor laughing…copter As I was rolling about on the floor, emitting sounds of jubilance, I did see a strange flying machine. gtfo - get the fuck out I must request that you depart hastily. tits or gtfo - tits or get the fuck out Madam, I ask that you reveal your bosom to me, for if you do not, I must request that you depart hastily. imho - in my humble opinion Tis fact. j/k - just kidding An Englishman never kids. afk - away from keyboard I will be absent from this typing device for the time being. rtfm - read the fucking manual Jeeves, would you please look over these instructions? milf - mother I’d like to fuck Even though that gentlewoman has bared offspring, I cannot deny that I still have the desire to fornicate with her. smd - suck my dick Would you be so kind as to fellate my little Englishman? idk - i don’t know I know, but I’d rather not say. pos - parent over shoulder The nanny is about. ftw - for the win Victory! ftl - for the lose Defeat? I do not believe that is so. We have clearly planted the flag of our nation. Do you not see the flag? Victory! roflwaffles roflcrumpets mofo - mother fucker You have coital relations with your mother, sir! I suspect you to be royalty and I humbly bow at your feet. ASL - age/sex/location I would like to inquire the number of years you have spent on this earth, the specifics of what genitalia you possess, as well as the geographic area you occupy. bff - best friends forever eternal acquaintance l8r g8r - later gator I bid you adieu, american reptile. omgwtfbbq - oh my god, what the fuck, barbecue Great deity in heaven, what in the queen’s name is that? That makes less sense than an outdoor cooking apparatus. fml - fuck my life I am British.
  17. did chevy give you a chubby = chebby?
  18. eerrrrr.... don't think I have any of those. The cool thing is you can see out of the sauna to that little tv that is mounted to the wall. This is the wall they are using as the screen
  19. the floor stained. He practiced on the garage first. this is technically the back end of the room a very very small portion of the alcohol ugliest chairs I have ever seen! You can't tell from the pics but the one back wall was left totally blank. They are going to hang a projector and wire in the surround sound.
  20. This is project has been a long time coming. All of the rock you see in the pics were hand picked from the lot the house is on by my parents. The rock had to first be removed from build site then moved back into the house, again all done by my parents. My dad estimates 3 tons worth of mortar to get get everything done. My dad did the scoring and staining of the concrete. It was a pain in the ass because he had to tape off each section and stain it separately to get the different colors. All of the furniture is either direct buy or ebay. The poker table was a steal at $1,200. The sauna was another ebay purchase. It came disassembled, I am just glad I never had to hear the arguments trying to put it together. They pretty much built a small work out room around the sauna. To get to some of the light switched you have to reach your hand in through some of the rock to get to it. The bar isn't finished yet and there is going to be a bath room down there as well. the beginning one of the many piles of rock sauna standing by itself, can fit 3 people comfortably Part of one of the walls. The piece of wood was drift wood they found on the beach
  21. I will post it on my facebook as well. Sorry that this happened to you, hope you find it.
  22. you're telling me Bump blazing saddles was on netflix on demand, no actual dvd I do have a scientific atlanta cable box. I forget which provider I had but I got rid of my cable and they never charged me or asked for the cable box. It is an explorer 2200.
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