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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. sorry the only mental image I am getting right now is you as the marshmallow man trying to destroy new york with a guy named Egon trying to destroy you with his stream
  2. and we will all be there to great him with hookers and blow
  3. ^ this I got into riding after I found out I had cancer at the age of 19. Every thing turned out okay but I had a lot of time to think about my life and what I had done with it. I had always wanted to ride a motorcycle but was to scared of the consequences. After everything happened I said fuck it and bought one anyways. I will NEVER go back being bikeless. My family hates it but the only time everything is right in my life is when I am on my baby.
  4. to bad disney never had a fucked up Guido /Mexican prince
  5. Ah fuck you know those guys , there goes the neighborhood. Welcome!
  6. I don't know if I can trust anyone that uses the short hand of pictures instead of picks.
  7. My dad grew up walking distance from the coast guard station. I went to high school at danbury so I know the area fairly well. It is nice in the summer but pretty much everything shuts down during the winter. If you are living in port Clinton and working in marble head learn the back roads! Tourist apparently can't read speed limit signs and like to go 20 under and depending on the season you will get stuck behind boats being moved from storage. Welcome!
  8. I have nothing to contribute here. Although no one has given the" back in my day women stayed nthe kitchen"
  9. apparently this bike came out of the same shop that I saw in Austin. I have been fallowing their work on facebook, very unique http://www.bikeexif.com/bmw-r75
  10. I think the germans are loosing their touch
  11. ^this I hope that its only your bike thats blue and not your balls
  12. there is a movie called the zombie diaries in which they have a female zombie chained up and the one guy ends up getting turned because of their sweet love making
  13. I hope you're meeting in a public place with lots of other people around. Good luck though!
  14. driver side got fixed... its the passenger side now. He has an cobalt ss 06 i think
  15. It is all off street parking and we very rarely get the same parking spot twice. We are onof the only houses that doesn't have some sort of parking in the back. I liked the idea of the baby monitor. The shitty thing is we don't live in that bad of a neighborhood. It is simi close to campus but most of the neighbors are younger couples with kids or grad students.
  16. Problem with leaving it unlocked is they might try and steal it. Happened to one of our other neighbors who has the exact same car.
  17. I haven't been yet but a few of my friends really like the cocktails at the conservatory they do on Thursday's. You may keep your man card for now
  18. Seriously could a few of us pitch in to get this
  19. Pm recon rat, jblosser, casper or flounder they might be able to help. Hope you get this guy!
  20. I feel like my life would not be complete with out that van in it
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