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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. This one is my favorite. The pilot got a little to low. I believe the guy that got hit lived, just a very very bad head ache. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/125571/plane_hits_man_in_the_head/
  2. BAHAHAHAHA 3 deer kill each other and flounder didn't even get one!
  3. wow, sorry to hear this. I hope things turn out okay. Either way we are here for you.
  4. We are part 141. It is an older fleet so we do have learning experience as far as the planes breaking goes. There was a prop strike in one of the arrows a little over a year ago. The tip was bent 90 and they some how took off and were able to one back around and land again. I think part of the nose gear collapsed.
  5. Uhg 4 am wake up is killing what little intelligence I had
  6. I have been a licensed CDL driv with Ohio State for roughly 3 years now. In that time I have seen and heard some weird and funny things. The beginning of the quarter is usually the best time for these type of things. Yesterday started off like every other day, boring, slow , and quite. About an hour before I was getting ready to come home one of OSU's finest gets on our radio channel and calls out for our supervisor. These calls arent uncommon but we usually don't get to hear what is going on. My supervisor tried doing a private call to the officers radio which apparently failed. The officer not wanting to bother using a land line decided that discretion would be thrown out the door and discuss the issue over an open radio channel that every bus driver, passengers, and a former driver who records all the transmission could hear. The officer was looking for either bus number 2506 or 2605. My boss explined that 2605 didn't exist and 2506 was in the shop. The officer seemed more than irritated at this point. So he asked where the campus loop south bus was. This was a very odd question because we have multiple busses on that route. Trying to be as accommodating as possible my boss has every driver call out which bus they were in and where they were on campus. The officer had two of the three busses stop where they were so that officers could search the busses. When I got back to the garage I found out that the officers were looking for a guy who was masturbating on the back of the bus. A concerned patorn called the police with the wrong bus number which caused a good portion of the frustration. Sadly they were unable to find the guy. I came into work today thinking that there wouldn't be any good excitement for a while after the events of yesterday. Yet again I was proven wrong, about 20 min ago one of our older female drivers called my supervisor notifing him that the guy was in the back of her bus masturbating. Last I head he had her stay where she was so that he could call the police. I will try to find the link to the radio transmissions from yesterday. Sorry SJC I think some of your coworkers are a little behind the ball if they don't notice that there is more than one bus on a route and openly talk about sensitive information over an open channel.
  7. I promise the link isnt any kind of spam or anything bad. Pretty cool clips. Those guys have titanium testicles the size of grapefruit. http://biertijd.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=19448*%C2%A0%C2%A0
  8. Very cool! Digging the lights. Can'twait to see the finish product.
  9. Do you instruct some where? I have had a few instructors talk about taking me but nothing so far. I have a new instructor starting today , I will ask him if there are any lessons we can squeez a grass strip in. I don't think we have insurance limitations but i could be wrong. a few years ago they took away our rental privileges. Even Our CFII's werent allowed to take out any planes that werent for training purposes. I still dont understsnd their logic behind that decision. My friend and his brother-in-law have their own 170 they keep at their own little grass strip.
  10. Did we decide on a meeting time on this? Casper as far as food goes pick a place....if you build it they will come. Just give them a heads up that we are coming.
  11. If your logging time as my safety pilot your ass is paying half. I still haven't been to a grass stip i think marysvill has one now though. Thank god we made a radio call going in while under actual. Some dumb ass was doing touch and goes on it with 600 -800 foot ceilings. OSU is offering an intro to turbine engines class this quarter. The prof started Air Taxi Inc and was a UDT ( underwater demolition technician) during Vietnam. I am super excited for this.
  12. Bump! Parents are closing on the house next door friday and sis is moving in Saturday. Any one willing to help out Sat. around 2pm or later?
  13. My grandmother had one of her boobs removed due to breast cancer and has to wear a fake one in her specialty bra. She pissed me off one time when I was in the middle school so before I left for the day I hid the fake boob. She was suppose to go on a shopping trip with my mom. Well you can't really try on clothes with half your boob missing.
  14. no, 1000rrrider you are midget todd
  15. I would love to get some tailwheel and acro time in. One of my dad's co-pilots owns a banner towing business in NJ. Once I get my commercial, 300 hr, and some tailwheel time he will probably give me a summer job flying along the beaches. I have done some spins in the 152, I can only imagine how much fun a full acro plane is. we do a TON of training up at Delaware. People are really starting to disappoint me. No one made the obvious " you can't fit a kitchen in a plane that small" joke. Shoot me their info if you still have it.
  16. she told me it was a "learning license" start of easy just popping through clouds, climbing through layers with relatively high personal minimums. As I become more comfortable then I can start going into the "soup". The first time I went into actual with out the hood I got pretty nervous. It took a minute for me to tell my instincts to shut the hell up and go off the gauges. If I had more spare money laying around I would love to be able to fly people all over the place. Once I get my commercial and can charge you guys I will figure out something for going to 35motorsports. Im not looking to make any money off you guys but if enough people chip in to cover at least half the cost of the rental for me to fly out there I can do parts runs.
  17. yeah I know him. Haven't seen him in a while though. Does he still work at bar louie? The flight school is pretty small so we tend to know alot of the other students. Bikes and airplanes seem to be a common theme. I know at least 5 other people besides him that have their license and a bike.
  18. I am doing the ground school for it now. I am hoping to get my commercial by the end of the summer then the Multi will hopefully be the end of fall quarter. yes it does. I walked into the flight school with the huge stupid grin on my face Yeah it is, I had the chief flight instructor who is also a female. She seems to be a little harder on the other females just because she wants us to do that much better. She had to leave for a bit to go teach a class so that took up 1.5 then when I thought we were ready to go again she had me pull the logs to prove that all of the inspections were done, that took .5 She did that so she could eat lunch. There were a few times other instructors had to interrupt for weird issues. Our computer logs were messing up so we had to figure out why it said I wasn't meeting mins. Then the FAA/IACRA web site was acting up so we were having issues making sure my 8710 was kosher. She also likes to tell stories relating what she asks me to real life situations, doesn't count but it still takes up time. I am in 172's right now. Got my private in 152's. Will be doing my commercial in a piper arrow and twin will be a cessna 310. I fly out of OSU for training. The approches I did were the VOR 28 into delaware (vectors) then imediatly did the GPS 27 into marysvill( full procedures) both of those were circle around to the correct runway. Then called up columbus approach to do the ILS 9r into ohio state. Yes. Yes it is. I don't have cable once it comes out on netfilx I will probably finish the season in less than a week
  19. Had a few beers to calm the nerves. work/ class are delaying the celebrations until friday. You offering on the last part:rolleyes: Hurry up and do what you need to so you can be my safety pilot After today I feel like I could make sammiches blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back while asleep
  20. For about the past year I have been training to get my instrument rating on my pilots license. Basically what that means is that I can fly with out being able to see whats around me. The best way to describe this to non pilots is to have you speed down a Texas freeway, blind folded with someone on a walkee talkie telling you where the other cars are around you, the only way to navigate the high ways is by an instrument that picks up radio signals. Today was my check ride. I had to do ground with an FAA examiner for roughly 2 hours. I had to sit there one on one while they questioned me on my knowledge of the aircraft, weather, navigation aides, and any other thing they could think of. Once that was over with I got to go up in the airplane and prove to them that I could fly to the governments standards.Since it was super nice out they get to simulate the no visibility situation that I would in theory be using these skills for is to have me wear what look like plastic sunglasses so that I can't see anything out side of the cockpit of the plane. I found out a week ago that today was my check ride, ever since then I felt like I was going to have an ulcer, on top of that the past 48 hours I was nauseous. Between the examiner having to leave for a period, computer glitches, and a lunch break it probably took 8 hours to get this thing done. When they told me I passed I about cried. I have been so stressed out about this that I haven't been able to sleep and my back would pop every time I took a deep breath.
  21. I doubt he will make it to the sentencing. If they leave where any other prisoners can get to him he will be dead. Good riddance!
  22. don't take it out on me if you wasted the pick up line "can I be your rubber duckie? I make bath time fun ;)"
  23. kinda reminds me of a corset. It would be okay if you were a tranny or going through a sex change.
  24. Trust me I have no room to talk. My coolant overflow is a NAS energy drink bottle that is zip tied to the frame with the words "Turbo Bewst!!!!!!!!!!" sharpied on it.
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