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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. You offering your services flatfish!?!?
  2. I took a few but this was just a preliminary type thing. My parents are coming down this weekend to look at places a little more in depth. Today was more of a basic weed out process. Our family likes the idea of buying the neighbors because we know the house and all of its problems/repairs it has had in the past few years.
  3. Looked at four houses today. First place was a total shit hole. 1,000 square feet and 5 college guys were living there. We couldn't get past all their crap to even begin to look at anything that would make the house worth our time. The second place we looked at we loved but it was right next to a set of train tracks and about 1/8 mile from crew stadium so that's a deal breaker. 3rd place was interesting, it pretty much looked like one female would have lived there. They said it was 2 bedrooms but it was more like on bedroom and a walk-in closet. The mast bath was the size of the bedroom. I wouldn't mind living there because the "second bedroom" was on the first floor right next to the rear door so I could wheel the bike in to its own little room. The final place we looked at was my neighbors and it confirmed our interest. 3 bedroom 2 bath with a garage. It is just a matter of getting them to come down to a price my parents can afford.
  4. wow, the sexist comments took longer than I thought , you guys are loosing your touch. Thanks for all the great input. We are going to look at houses here in the next half hour. My neighbors is probably our first pick right now, we know the house and they have a garage ( I would be high jacking for my bike). I am bringing a pair of binoculars to go over the roof and gutters as well as a camera.
  5. Thanks guys! This is a must. Also looking at the house on a map to see if there are any rail road tracks or airports in the area that might become annoying. Finding out the night time lighting situation is a good idea. A house with a street light directly shining in the master bedroom is a pain in the ass.
  6. My parents are looking at buying another house here in Columbus to rent out to my sister. She is kind of an idiot when it comes to common sense type things so my mom asked me to go with her when looking at the houses. We will definitely have a professional come out to give the place a once over but what are some things I should look for so I don't waste any ones time. Any tips and suggestions will be appreciated.
  7. I like how the pic was taken at 10:00. That's awesome though, you should think about writing a book
  8. Death! Death! Die!- put ur balls on it
  9. Ugh I hate you people I am at work right now
  10. I rode into work today, just got home and it was very brisk. While driving one of the OSU mini vans some squid on a gsxr decided to do a wheelie past me and police station.
  11. I thought another OR member was trying to unload their wife. GLWS
  12. I'm going with the carbs. Sounds like what my bike was doing a while back
  13. I'm sure someone on here can fix that for you speedy. This would make a nice Valentine's day present hint hint
  14. see if mahdey is able to help out I am sure he owes you a few times over
  15. ^this that is why polaris wont let COTA go up there.
  16. have it delivered with a bow on top and I think you are set
  17. Thus far this I'd fucking awesome. Stunts are amazing, music is great and it is kid friendly.
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