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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. is there any chance you could spray something on the foam so that you skin doesn't get irritated? I had a friend with an allergy to nickel so she had to put clear nail polish on all of her pant buttons so that she didn't break out.
  2. I won't know if I can go until day of. My normal work schedule has me their until 9 I was able to get off early last week because they didn't need me.
  3. welcome! honda northwest isn't to far from you as far as getting service done. You can also look at the sites sponsors
  4. welcome! nice variety in toys
  5. I see you drank the kool-aide welcome!
  6. Welcome, Love the pics of the bike
  7. well when you put it that way how could a girl refuse although meeting me in person would be the first step, can't really ruffie someone through facebook
  8. Oh something is loose ....
  9. You're correct. He has brought it back a few times.
  10. Found this video while stumbling along. As disturbing as it is I couldn't stop laughing. http://louxis.com/videos/peacock/peacock2.swf
  11. Gold shorts season is right around the corner, good thing you are preparing now
  12. I missed the first 's' so I was very disappointed when I opened this and found it to be hoe free
  13. Just wanted to have this on hand for anything that's happens at IMS
  14. did someone say something about sammichs?!??!
  15. In!!!! Friends grandma lives 5 min from the IX center so we will be at the after party ad well. What is the address for buddy's?
  16. Dallas is a bitch of a drive!! Took 24 hours when we made the move up in high school Hope you get this sold.
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