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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. I think I remember him saying something about them moving there around '03. The title said Brecksville, guess i will be a little more specific next time
  2. My grandpa sent this to me in an e-mail. I could see very stupid/naive people falling for this. Hotel/Motel Scam (This one is so simple it is shocking) ANYONE traveling should be aware of this one This is kinda scary if only because of how simple it is. You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. When checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for all the charges for your room). You get to your room and settle in. Someone calls the front desk and asked for (example) Room 620 (which happens to be your room). Your phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other end says the following, 'This is the front desk. When checking in, we came cross a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me your credit card number and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card.' Not thinking anything you might give this person your information, since the call seems to come from the front desk. But actually, it is a scam of someone calling from outside the hotel/front desk. They ask for a random room number. Then, ask you for credit card information and address information. Sounding so professional that you do think you are talking to the front desk. If you ever encounter this problem on your vacation, tell the caller that you will be down at the front desk to clear up any problems... Then, go to the front desk and ask if there was a problem. If there was none, inform the manager of the hotel that someone called to scam you of your credit card information acting like a front desk employee.
  3. my only problem with the place I live now is parking Once i graduate and move some place else parking is going to be the main selling point. I really want to upgrade bikes but I can't justify spending the money knowing I can't take care of it properly.
  4. I posted saying I was going to be in the area. Last name is Deppi. They have a lot of cars with custom tags. He drives a Blue Jeep Cherokee- Gunn3r and a 69 mustang - 69 WNDSR. His dad has a white mustang- ND4SPD a black mustang- JST 4 SPD another orange mustang 65 PRIDE a 76 Lincoln continental -76 BLASS and a red jeep NUKES4U
  5. what can I say I am an observant person
  6. I was only up for the night, my friend needed a ride from columbus to Brecksville so I drove him up and came right back down after dinner. The metro parks up there are very nice! We took a quick drive though and I am very jealous
  7. nice bottle of lotion and box of tissues on the night stand next to the bed
  8. last time i checked garden gnomes didn't have genitalia so i wont take offense to this awww aren't you sweet
  9. Today has really turned into complete shit. I need something to cheer me up and bikes do the job quite well. Im in
  10. I always wondered what a glass parking lot looked like
  11. They drive a Pontiac g6 so i will let you guys figure out how many of you it will take to roll it. It just really pisses me off because I have no other choice but to park on the street. There are 2 flights of stairs leading to my back yard and the back yard is surrounded by all my neighbors back yards so I can't bring it through and ally way or some thing. Next time it happens I am calling the cops and getting them on a hit and run charge. Neighbors to the left were having issues with people not parking in front of their house even thought the politely asked them not to because their kid has a physical disability. They ended up putting up handicap signs so I park the bike right up to the signs so I don't take away any other parking spots. My roommates last year were having HUGE problems getting their diesel trucks started in the winter because jackass wouldn't let them park some place an extension cord would reach to keep the engines warm over night. When one finally did park in a convenient spot we piled snow on top of and around it so they couldn't move for 3 weeks
  12. ^truth! @btd - yes my motor cycle @bad - doesn't seem to be any new damage, sadly this is not the first time this has happened
  13. So I woke up, looked out side, and there my bike was- laying on its side. Funny thing about my bike laying on its side, it wasn't like that when I went to bed last night I am fairly confident that it was one of my neighbors because my bike was behind them and my truck was in front of them. dumb assed can't parallel park to save their lives so they take it out on my bike.
  14. @bad - you can some music credit back but don't fully trust your taste
  15. I will take this as a compliment but you must really be old and going blind :lol::lol::lol:
  16. I already meet you in my dreams ;)so you don't count, I am talking about every one else
  17. Fine, I don't want to meet any of You guys any ways: (
  18. so is there any kind of actual bike night/ gathering tonight? I have to drive a friend up that way today and will be in the area.
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