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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. wtf? we were there, where were you?
  2. Is a Prius with a NRA sticker an oxymoron
  3. I got to see AC/DC for free through work a year or 2 ago, Amazing! I disagree with that dude- link park was really good 2003 I want to Lollapalooza down in Dallas, ended up meeting Audio Slave There have been a few other but those were the most memorable, Oh and Shallow Tail
  4. those morons are going to be at OSU on October 4th... this will be interesting
  5. burn it to a CD and mail it to him?
  6. hmm they say they will be there between 12 and 2 expect them there at 330
  7. he is a women and has no sense of direction
  8. at the rate they build roads it will be current for the next 5 years
  9. I just got this months news letter.... on the free ohio map link! I expect to get mine in 1-2 weeks
  10. Tis true, she wants it gone. Expect a screen name change soon.
  11. you wont be laughing when genghis kong makes me get rid of my bike
  12. I have a friend that is suppose to be going to grad school in london. He use to ride so if I make it over the pond we are going to try and go watch it live.
  13. Ladys and gentlemen I give you the kitler.... cats that look like Hitler http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigmiaow.pl
  14. Great pictures! Love the commentary you gave.
  15. Can you do me a favor and remove my quote from your signature?

  16. Welcome! Always nice to see a lady racer out there. Keep up the good work.
  17. Good stuff! Is your bike white with gold graphics? I am pretty sure I saw you and your friend with the GSXR
  18. you can run by an airport and get some 100 low lead
  19. see, this is what happens when you get overly excited and "yelling" on the boardover the chart box. Karma is a bitch.... but seriously that sucks, sorry about your luck
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