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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasectomy http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/vasectomy-14387 http://www.vasectomy.com/
  2. +1 Best bet is to get your tubes tied though, a friend of mine did that when he was in his early 20's
  3. you don't have one of those either
  4. hahaha guys having only two emotions.....

  5. i'd rather be on top

  6. that poor bike sounds more beaten than a red headed step child
  7. what fucked up porn did you search to find that
  8. Holy shit! weren't you trying to sell this baby? Did any one come to look at it? post any thing on craigslist?
  9. wasn't shittygixxer just in peru a little while ago? I smell a cover up. Kids dieing by rapid vapire bats is just like dead hookers in the trunk of a car.
  10. Can you make it 1145?!?! I have to be at work at noon thirty
  11. gen3flygirl

    Q-S-l 9/22

    1. I don't have my bike back yet 2. I don't get off work until 9 so I am out
  12. all this time and all those wet dreams and you are just now wanting to be my friend?!?!?!

  13. fuck... well it wasn't showing up the first time
  14. WAAYYYYY to many f-ing pictures but here are a few from the first half I got uploaded... Mt. Etna, Sicily Italian version of a twisty sign going along the Almafi coast near Naples some of the porn depicting what you could "order" in the brothel in Pompeii A church in Florence My friend's Boobs, she paid 6k for them. I knew you guys would want boobs so I tried to get a pic with out being creepy
  15. sorry work has been taking up a ton of time, i will work on it this weekend
  16. So I just got back in the states after a nice little 2 week trip around Europe. Flew into Milan, took the train to Venice, picked up the cruise in Venice, hit Dubrovnik, Croatia; Corfu, Greece; Argostoli, Greece; Santorini, Greece; Sicily, Naples/Pompeii, Rome, Florence/Pisa, and ended in Barcaolona, Spain. It was a lot of fun but I don't think I could ever travel with my family again. I will post up some pics as soon as I get them up loaded. Oh yeah, and 2 weeks with out my bike seeing every one else out riding was killing me.
  17. my bike is in the shop but i will try to cage it up or ride bitch, 2 weeks with out a bike in europe has been killing me, i need to ride
  18. yeah.... about this drinking thing. On a cruise, second night i didn't get back to my room till around 4 am. Ended up puking on the shore trip in front of my mom and grand parents. I am going on a pub crawl on the ship tonight..... we have befriended the guy in charge so this should be fun. The staff keeps buying us free shots. Oh yeah the first day i won a two free bottles of wine
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