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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. a little unconventional but still a classic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7O91GDWGPU
  2. if your talking about eaglecock, he was up there last night on a friends bike
  3. its to clean, needs some dirt on it
  4. In 2 weeks I will be out of the country for 2 weeks
  5. as soon as they called his name they said that he had won a bike on a previous occasion. just for that i felt like keying the damn thing. :cry:
  6. video starts out a little weird but the execution is sweet http://www.petapixel.com/2010/07/29/flamethrower-versus-fire-extinguisher-at-1000-frames-per-second/
  7. it was nice seeing every one again and meeting some new people who's names I can't remember. Sam nice ass keep up the good work;)
  8. who the hell names there kid Vladimir with expecting him to become a serial killer
  9. I am a "cuddly drunk" to begin with I don't need to be holding on for dear life to amplify that
  10. Not fair! You found fonzie on here.
  11. +1 on date and place. My only condition is no one can make fun of my ability or lack there of for skating. My only broken bone has been while ice skating so its been a few years.
  12. gen3flygirl

    sex toys

    Of course i did,your show is in less than 24 hours
  13. gen3flygirl

    sex toys

    Ummm what industry are you in? !?!
  14. You have horses!?!? Why am I just now learning about this.
  15. :lol::lol: http://cdn.wg.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/snooki.gif
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