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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. yes but she is a crazy hippy tree hugger, we are nothing alike no just me
  2. I tried to warn you guys
  3. its okay twinkle toes, some of us accept you the way you are
  4. I <3 WSI weather, it is what we use out at the flight school
  5. There is a lovely line of storms heading from the NW to the SE of the state and will be hitting Columbus with in the next hour or so. Tops are around 65,000 feet with reported hail. Ecos are showing red in some areas. I would suggest not riding anywhere any time soon and get your bike some place it can't get damaged.
  6. I don't think the weather is looking to good for this week
  7. you're such a little bitch
  8. Yes but at least he can get it some place to be fixed
  9. g'night sweet checks, see you in a few
  10. you would get your own smiley I guess I assumed Franklin county I just really want to know who rides that bike because I pass it every day
  11. Welcome! do you happen to live on blake, just off high street? I see a red 650r parked there all the time on my way home.
  12. This is just a tentative schedule.... 12:01-8:14 am - dream of kawi kid in his gold shorts while spooning with my pillow 8:14 am - be violently waken up by alarm clock and proceed to ignore it 8:30 am - wake up pissed off to my second alarm 8:31-8:45 ish - play around on my cell phone (check my user CP here and facebook) 8:45 ish- 9:15ish - put on clothing, make and eat breakfast 9:30- 11:18 am - play on here and facebook when I should be paying attention in class 11:30-12:30 - make lunch, eat lunch, prep dinner 12:30- sing off key to me self while I drive to the flight school 12:50- 3ish - take practice test at the flight school until I can no longer function 3 ish -4:30- read for class until i get bored and decide to masturbate 4:45- 6:15 - go to the gym and pick a treadmill next to someone who runs slower than me so while I pretend I am running away from zombies I can laugh to my self because that poor fatty got eaten a few hundred feet ago 6:15-6:45 - sit under the hot water of the shower not worrying about how much my next water bill is going to be 6:45 - head up to QSL so long as the weather is decent 7:15 - when ever we leave - walk around QSL wondering how many of the harley riders are gay time I get home - bed - watch the rest of season 5 of lost Bed time - 12am - spoon with my pillow some more, maybe dream about kawi again
  13. I am expecting you to put your first born child up for sale here soon, seems like you are selling every thing but your man juice
  14. *gasp* people on this site actually ride?!?!
  15. :cry: i wish i had money, great looking bike
  16. note to self marriage = bye bye bikes
  17. I ride with the regular ones as well. I had to super glue the damn things back together because they broke while taking my helmet off. I was pissed, $40 headphones that i for less than a week
  18. if you really want to join I am sure we can arrange something
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