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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. welcome! So are you actually a girl or a guy? Because my dads name is kim, didn't know if your parents screwed you over to.
  2. only if i can call you xerxes
  3. aww you guys have a date, how cute
  4. damn it bad why do you keep editing your post
  5. well hey there sugar tits, you can join in the party to you know
  6. egg rolls don't count here in america
  7. that requires me to actually be friends with you , why the hell would I want that. I just want to use you and have no ties after
  8. if you really look like ronnie then your man tits are probably bigger than mine so...
  9. There were a shit ton of cops out tonight. I saw at least 3 on my ride home from the movies and on 315 today the little prick was hiding in the damn bushes. I give him credit it was a good place to tag people .
  10. dearr god that is a nice looking bike! Feel like adopting my bike and giving her the same tlc !?!?!?
  11. Yeah I get about almost every day in the summers. Ride when I can once it gets cold out. Haven't gone to any track days though, I don't think my bike could handle it.

  12. I didn't realize that it was next weekend (Aug 6,7,8) but who is going ? I remember there being really good bike parking right by one of the main gates. Although with all the beer and whiskey I'm not sure bringing the bike is a good idea. http://www.dublinirishfestival.org/
  13. No clue, my mom has used her credit card points to buy the tickets Flying into Milan taking the train to Venice. I have owned my bike for 2 years and my parents are completely oblivious to it. On april fools I told my mom I bought a bike and she almost disowned me. My dad had a bike when they got married and she told him that he either had to sell it or she would shoot it:nono: it ended up getting stolen
  14. welcome! Post up some pics of your bike when you get the chance
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