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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. Let me know how that works out for you
  2. Hehehe I actually own a few. I just never get dressed up enough to bring one with me when I'm with you ass hats. You just bought a house good luck affording that
  3. I think 90% of the time I carry a purse it is to sneak stuff into a theater.
  4. This bike is definitely fap worthy:D http://uncrate.com/stuff/ducati-streetfighter-848-motocycle/?ref=nf
  5. I thought you were going to say some guy told you that you hand a nice watch while you were taking a tinkle
  6. I don't think I was. I would have returned it if they tried charging me. Any one that's trigger happy can come pick this up for free. Just try to get videos.
  7. He was officially out as of Saturday night. Never did pay rent for the last week he was here or some of the utility money he owed me.
  8. Remind me to never piss you off. Nice little toy though!
  9. someone actually had sex with you?!?! J/k welcome back, Congrats, lbts
  10. For those of you who are cheap asses like me giant eagle has a sale on their "switzer " brand candy. .10¢ a bag they are pretty much just like twizlers but a dime!!!! I think you need a giant eagle card but hell you can stock up for there year for a Buck.
  11. I have a cable box sitting around my house and I have no idea what to do with it. I think it was from when I had WOW! Service but I'm not positive. It is a scientific Atlanta explored 2200. Any suggestions? eBay?trash? Let someone go office space on it?
  12. Oh and he is currently a week late on his rent. This is not uncommon for him.
  13. *update* Last thursday I was finally able to post a " move the fuck out or you will be evicted letter". My mom had her lawyer draft it up so that if we did need to take legal action in the future all our i's were dotted and t's were crossed. The letter gave him 3 days to comply. He got the puppies out but not his stuff so last night he got a " letter one was serious we will evict you if you don't move out" letter. Letter number 2 stated that he had until the 15th to get out or we would evict him then go after him for any back rent, damages caused by the puppies, and any legal fees associated. He has started moving everything out
  14. I hope your ambidextrous when it comes to masterbating. Glad your mostly okay though.
  15. I was on my way to school after swim practice, they came over the radio with a special news broadcast. My mother immediately called my dad then all of his coworkers we knew to make sure it wasn't them. That was the exact route, type of plane and airline my dad was flying at the time.
  16. My condolences to your friends. I would highly suggest any support group.
  17. Its not winter until someone's nipples get hard
  18. Hmmmm rich kids sent to boarding school with lots of disposable money. I wonder if guys with daddy issues are as good in bed as women with daddy issues
  19. I spent the weekend at Put-in-bay and it is no surprise that accedents happen. After meeting with my parents and learning that there were 4 life flight helicopters that had hauled ass off the island I decided to ask a local officer what the deal was. Apparently a golf cart and a moped collided and the gas tank on the moped exploded severly burning 5 people. The officer didn't think the rider was going to make it .
  20. gen3flygirl


    Looks like Russia to me, the winter palace to be exact http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_Palace
  21. I have done that before it was a blast! I wish I would have known you were up here I have been on the island since Friday we could have grabbed a beer.
  22. At put n bay for the weekend f Mylivrr
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