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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. they named the victims http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2011/08/14/motorcyclist-dies-near-crew-stadium.html
  2. wow that's not to far from my house. RIP rider. Darwin caught up with you
  3. I have done many night flights before. My friend is one of the line service guys and posted that he lost a blimp on Facebook. I am kind of curious to know who owns that one, I have never seen it before.
  4. Lay down some deacon. It has gotten rid of rats for me in the past. Should solve your problem.
  5. Definitely not safe for work! [ame] [/ame]
  6. he is getting a 30 day notice on the 15th.
  7. Ill get you the dimensions for mine tonight
  8. I have a tank if anyone wants the dragon.
  9. This is why smart phones are bad
  10. Summer shandy makes me Randy!!!
  11. On what ? Going down first or pussying out first
  12. That works even better. Preferably something that doesn't require a data plan and has a charger. I get off work at 8 and can meet you down town. Saves me a trip to the boonies. Tyler your off the hook
  13. That would be perfect. I doubt that she could afford a data plan.
  14. My sister works for planned parenthood in Columbus under their education department. They are trying to get one of the high school girls out of an abusive house hold. Her current phone is under her fathers name and since he is the one abusing her they are afraid he is going to shut her phone off. If you have an old verizon phone that you would be willing to donate we would be very appreciative. Doesn't need to be a smart phone or anything fancy, just needs to be able to call in case something bad happens. Feel free to post up or pm me.
  15. I really hope this story is real and if so this mayor is freaking awesome! http://swns.com/mayor-runs-over-illegally-parked-car-in-tank-021245.html
  16. my dad has been on this huge "we are going to have a civil war" kick. At first I kind of thought he was nuts but he is starting to look more sane every day. I don't think my mom know about half the guns he has bought in the past year. I really can't complain since I will end up getting them anyways.
  17. +1. There are several other member on here that have served. If you have any questions or concerns I am sure they would be happy the help
  18. I sold my bike then had a midterm. Today fucking sucked!
  19. is his pony tail longer than porters?
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