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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. gopro it up in coshocton so all of us can get some lol's out of it
  2. I am to much of a dog lover to knowingly let anything happen to the pups. Its not their fault he is a douche.
  3. A. Glad your okay sucks that your misfortune has to be a reminder to us all to wear our gear. 2. Love the sound track to the video III. knowing you are okay watching the replay is slightly amusing, reminds me of a rag doll being tossed around.
  4. I know in columbus bicycles are treated as a vehicle. It is to protect the bicyclist if there is an accident involving a car. The sad part is non of the bicyclist around campus know this or they think that they have some sort of magical force field that will keep them safe if they do stupid shit.
  5. Awesome. I just got home from work and found a note asking if I could feed the puppies sometime between 7:30-8 because he is closing at work (he is a server). Luckily I didn't get home at more normal 930ish. I am going to talk with the off campus student services that OSU offers. My parents are already in one lawsuit(again another really long story completely unrelated to this ) I don't think they want to start another one. What is required to establish residency? I am quitting my full time job at the end of the month so I will have plenty of free time to get all of his shit out. He does pay month to month. It is and has always been in cash and its not always on time.
  6. Funny yet I feel like some of the personal info should have been blacked out
  7. Nothing is in writing since it was going to be just temporary. All rent and utilities have been payed in cash.
  8. My bad they are English bulldogs
  9. I am about ready to murder my roommate. He moved in back in the spring as a temporary thing since he was "moving to California". Well that ended up not working out so he has stuck around. Like all roommates there are certain things he does that make me want to kill him but recently it has gotten worse. His american bull dog had her second litter of puppies on monday. Since my parents own the house I live in my mother asked him not to keep the puppies here, they destroy things. Well I come home the day after they are born to find 6 puppies and mamma dog. Rather than take care of them himself he has had his women ( a whole other story in its self ) take care of them. He went to a wedding this weekend and left a girl that went to rehab for coke in charge of the pups. He left for work almost 2 hours ago and took the girl with him. So now I am left with the pups and have no clue how to take care of them. Oh and I have a midterm tomorrow morning that I need to study for. before any one asks or says something, we are not nor have we ever dated.
  10. BFG- from doom a Phaser and I'm with meanie - the noisy cricket = perfect concealed carry gun
  11. lived in highland village for 10 years
  12. Did you go to SMU or live in the dallas area? I think I would have said something regardless, I haven't seen one of those shirts since I moved up here.
  13. organ trail + zombies = http://www.hatsproductions.com/OrganTrail.swf
  14. you still need to get your ass back in an airplane
  15. a friend of mine has had 2 girls pee in his bed and another on his chair
  16. depending on the airspace you don't need one. Is it a good idea, probably. Those kit planes have the least amount of equipment possible sometimes.
  17. thanks ass. We are religious about check for that kind of stuff. Plus home builds scare the shit out of me. To many of those damn things go down.
  18. I know it is a bit of a haul but here you go.... http://abw.autorevo.com/webtemplate.aspx?iid=3248757
  19. Thanks again for letting me ride your baby at the meet and great! If you plan on going to any bike nights in September and dont mind riding 2up I haven't been to one yet this summer ;)

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