I’m posting this bike for a friend. Long story short, she cosigned for a friend, he wrecked the bike and got hurt. His landscaping company took a turn for the worse. He lost all of his accounts, and tried making a few payments, but didn’t have the money to do so, and defaulted on the loan. She had no other choice, but to repossess the bike from him. The bike has some damage to both sides of the fairings, and some slight cosmetic damage. She stated to me that the bike is rideable, and tracks straight going down the road. To the best of my knowledge, the frame is still straight and in good condition. Looks like all someone would need to do is just replace the fairings out for new ones. The bike is completely stock, and I am not sure on the condition of the tires. The bike currently has 9,773 miles on it. I apologies for the photos, they’re not that greatest, I didn’t take them. I’m planning on heading out there this week, to take some better photos of the bike. The bike is located out in Lorain, if anyone is interested in this bike. I can make arrangements so you can meet with her to view the bike, or discuss pricing. $6,000 obo, all offers are welcome. The title is free and clear.